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Chapter 1.
A Silver Ring

"Mommy do you think Y/n will like the ring!??" The brown haired boy asked his mother who chuckled and ruffled his hair,

"I'm sure she'll love it." 

Y/n jabbed the wooden sword in the kings multiple exposed area's as they sparred. 

"You'd be dead by now." 

The h/c haired woman stopped attacking and stood up straight watching as Canute panted with his hands on his knees. Since he was fighting topless, with every breath he took his exposed abdominal muscles flexed. 

"The sun is setting your majesty." 

When Canute finally slowed his breathing he charged at Y/n once more with the intent to kill. While his sword was real, Y/n's was wooden-- so she dodged every one of his swings effortlessly. 

Canute stopped when he felt Y/n's sword at the side of his neck, he backed up for a moment to try and catch his breath again. 

"You haven't gotten any better since the last time we've duelled. It'd be far to dangerous for me to pick up a real sword against you still, I'd maim you accidentally." The woman spoke bluntly bringing a hand to her hip, "there are hundreds of men who wield the sword better than I do who won't hesitate to cut your head off clean your majesty." 

"Again. Let's go again," Canute demanded, one of his hands held his side where Y/n had struck him very hard earlier. 

"Your majesty, you leave for jelling early in the morning--" 

"Are you trying to tell me what to do?" 

The woman tensed slightly when Canute narrowed his eyes at her, glaring directly into her e/c orbs. Her eyes averted to the ground and she shook her head, something was obviously bothering her. 

The man sighed and let his sword slip out of his grasp. 

"He's gotten worst?" 

Y/n bit her lips as she tried to hold her tears in, she wouldn't even dare to let a tear slip in front of the king. Her eyes fell onto the silver ring that decorated her hand, Canute's eyes also looking at the small ring on her finger.  

"In the morning you will bring him here before we leave." 

"Wha-- I thought I wasn't coming to Jelling? I-I can't leave my husban--" 

"You'll be leaving him in the hands of the best doctors of the land. You won't be leaving him for dead." 

Canute turned on his heels and began to walk back inside, "you're dismissed." 

The man slammed the door behind him as he gritted his teeth. He hated how Y/n had such a soft spot for that disturbing husband of hers. For years now, ever since the day Canute was introduced to Y/n he was dangerously in love with her. The day he figured out Y/n was married he was fulled with so much anger-- especially after seeing the man she was wedded to. 

He was surprised Y/n had married such a man, despite her being the strongest and smartest woman he'd ever met, she was so stupid at the same time. The man was the root of Y/n's sadness, whenever Canute would see Y/n she always appeared with a new bruise. The bruises stopped after he fell ill, but instead of bruises ever since then her face would never lift into a smile. 

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