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Chapter 4

It was halfway through the following day, and Canute was walking the halls returning to his chambers after spending the day getting familiar again with King Harald's residence. After all, when the day comes when his brother passes not only will this residence but the entire land will eventually fall into his power. 

Years ago Canute wouldn't even imagine the situation he's in now, poisoning his own brother to get rid of the division between countries and take complete rule. Before he wasn't capable of doing such a thing. 

He wasn't capable of forcefully taking what he believed should be his. 

Finally reaching his chambers, he opened the doors revealing inside someone he'd been longing to see the entire day. 

In his bed sleeping peacefully was the h/c haired woman, some of her strands of hair falling over her face messily. The sheet he pulled over her body now laid on her waist, hinting the fact that she moved excessively in her sleep. Both of her arms folded under her pillow as she laid on her stomach, her head turned to the side pressed comfortably into it. 

As Canute approached the bed the closer he neared the more clear he could hear her soft snores. He carefully sat on the bed, feeling the material dip under his weight he was careful not to wake the her. 


The word repeated itself in his head like a broken record as he admired the woman, the sun-rays seeping through the window bouncing off of her skin highlighting her features; he thought she was glowing. 

He chuckled seeing the small trail of drool that leaked from her mouth down her chin and eventually landing on his pillow. 

 Canute truly didn't want to risk waking her up, not only because the way she was resting right now made it seem like she hadn't slept this good in years; but because of how intimate it felt to watch her sleep like this. 

It was just the two of them in his room, he was the only one getting to see her like this, a woman who was always so guarded letting her guard down. 

She was sleeping in his bed. 

A rush of sinful thoughts played through he mind, he cheeks growing hot as his imagination played out different scenarios that would result in her laying in his bed like this. 

Canute didn't dare to try and suppress his thoughts either, letting his imagination run wild as his steel blue eyes stayed fixated on the Y/n's resting features. 

He didn't want to risk waking her up, but his intrusive thoughts to hold her was breaking his sanity. 

Hesitantly, Canute slowly raised his hand closest to her. As his hand came closer to her face, he was beginning to realize just how delicate and small she was compared to him. 

He found it funny how if he were to fully expand his hand he could almost palm her entire face in his hand. Just by looking at her face alone one could never imagine she had the strength to over power a man. 

His mind only shot deeper into the gutter, wondering what she would be like--- 


Canute quickly retracted his hand hearing a sound come from Y/n as she suddenly pressed her lips together for a moment. She began moving a bit, and Canute was unsure if she was still asleep as one of her hands came out from underneath the pillow. 

She smacked her lips as her hands went down to pull up the blanket as she turned over on her other side. 

Canute stayed frozen, not daring to make a sound as he hyper-focused on his hearing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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