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Chapter 3


The young King needed to acknowledge something. 

He didn't love Y/n. 

It's impossible to love her. 

He was doing all these things to keep her around him at all times, he even went to the lengths of murdering her husband. 

However he was yet to even have a deep conversation with the woman. He knows nothing of her personality other than the fact that she was polite and smart. The king had never gotten the chance to really see what she is liked behind doors. 

She was just so captivating. 

It took all of his self control not to throw her onto his bed and have his way with her. He didn't even realize that the real reason why he wanted to get rid of her husband so much wasn't because he knew he laid his hands on her violently. 

But because he laid his hands on her-- in other ways. 

Many beautiful woman have thrown themselves at the kings feet, Canute felt none of them could compare to Y/n. Something that made Y/n so alluring was her strength. 

A smart woman who can hold her own. 

Just the thought of a woman who bested his strength and out-dominated him made him feel desirous. 

Y/n shifted in her seat uncomfortably, the king had spaced out while staring at her. His blue eyes watched her shamelessly as she played with her fingers. Clearing her throat, it seemed to have pulled Canute from his thinking. 

"Sorry. I spaced out for a second." 

She only nodded her head, "I think you should go to bed your majesty.. You've had a long day.." Y/n suggested ready to leave. 

"No.. I've already tried sleeping but I cannot." He confessed, glancing out of his window. 

"Seeing your brother like that.. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to sleep comfortably either." Y/n empathized with a sad sigh, she knew all to well the feeling of seeing a loved one on their death bed. "I'm familiar with your pain, majesty. But thanks to you I've been resting a lot better." 

"What would you do if your husband were to die?" 

Canutes cut throat question caught her completely off guard. 

"This is a question I think of everyday.. I-I-" Y/n stopped herself mid-phrase as she shook her head. The king suddenly shook his head as he got up from his seat. 

"I shouldn't have asked that." 

Y/n watched as he walked over to his bed to grab something before taking his seat back in front of her. Laying out what he brought onto the table Y/n was surprised to see a chest board. 

"I do not plan on going to sleep anytime soon. But I also do not plan on wasting this night." He began as he started to place the game pieces on the board, "I'm sure you know how to play right?" 

"Of course your majesty." She said while moving a game piece it commence the game, "I won't be going easy on you though." 

All of Y/n's focus was sucked into the game, the two sat in silence-- the only sounds being the games pieces moving on the board. 

In the end, Y/n's king fell to Canute's queen. 

"I'd like to play again your majesty." Y/n bit her bottom lip as she observed the game board, she fell right into the kings trap. Canute smirked at her request.

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