Chapter 9.5

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Bandit's Pov(Winter's Scavenger)

I was in my dragons human zoo. Atleast, that's what I think it is. Today I made out that he was going to have others over.

A few nights ago I had a very vivid nightmare, and it was haunting my dreams ever since. That dragon, and his ghost. It was the one that scares my dragon. Nevertheless, spending time with my dragon has made me feel calmer.

Some dragons arrived and looked at us. Probably learning about us for a class, like a field trip. Dragons are probably as smart as us, maybe even smarter.

Eventually, as I looked through the crowd, I saw a silhouette of colors over a black body. 2 eyes with light flowing out of them like a river of color. It was him. The one who killed my dragon in my nightmare. It was so vivid... because it was real.

I screamed in panic and the moment the other's saw him, they did the same. Did they remember as well? Probably. We all find a place to hide, watching them. My dragon talked to the others. I wished now more than ever that I could understand a word he was saying.

Who was he? What did that dragon do? Why doesn't my dragon remember what happened? And-

I realised they were gone. I was thinking for a few minutes, but that wasn't what snapped me out of my thoughts. It was the chill travelling up my spine.

I had a massive headache as well, as if something was tearing into my head, searching for something.

Why did that dragon monster have to invade me and my dragons peaceful life.

Suddenly the feeling was gone as my mind cleared. I looked up seeing an outline of a dragon phasing through the ceiling. The dragon that had accompanied my dragons killer.

Darkness was the name I gave him. The most evil being in the world, and now he was back. But how do I tell my dragon this?

Maybe pull him away from the other one. No, that won't work, he's too big and by the time he understands he could die. Maybe I could try copying what he writes until I can effectively tell him he's in danger. But that'd take to long.

Maybe... yes. That could work.


Winter's Pov

I had just arrived back in my office only to see Bandit covered in ink. He must've made a mess while I was away. He pulls me over to my desk and that's where I see what got him covered. He was drawing with my ink.

However, the drawing wasn't exactly a positive one. There was Peacemaker, but he was standing over my dead body. Behind him was a shadowy interpretation of Darkstalker hovering over him.

"Umm, bandit?" I ask. He was pointing to it, then Peacemaker in particular. What was he trying to tell me? To not go near Peacemaker? Wait... I saw Foeslayer at the field trip but I never knew why. Is Darkstalker Peacemaker?

I need to talk to someone. However, Qibli and Moon are on a trip, so I can't find them, and I don't know where Foeslayer lives. Kinkajou was my only option.

I wasn't that desperate to get answers, was I?




I felt my legs start moving without my permission. Apparently I was that desperate.

I reach her house and knock. "Oh hi Winter. What's-"

"Is Peacemaker Darkstalker?" I ask. She immediately tenses up and looks duller. I know that because right now I'm not having a seizure from the living rainbow.

"Come inside and I'll explain to the best of my abilities." She says. I walk in, and prepare for a long explanation.

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