P R O L O G U E / T H E A R R I V A L

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~ Draco Malfoy ~

Imagine being misunderstood. Imagine being forced into a life that you had no choice but to live. Forced to let it consume your emotionless body, let it consume your emotionless mind.

Imagine believing that was all you were worth, doing what you were told, what you were born to do, forced not to feel because you know that if you did - if you ever felt anything at all... you would let everything in - and you know that if you did that, you may as well be dead.


My heart is thudding so hard that I can't help but grimace in pain. God forbid the moment this train stops. I'm sat all alone in one of the pods on the carriage, speeding toward the magical school named Hogwarts. I turned 17 at the beginning of the year on January 1st, the moment that my parents decided to expose the magic world to me.

They explained why I had always been so different throughout school, why they hid it from me, and waited till I was old enough. Though I understand most of their reasoning behind it, I am angered by their lack of honesty as I know that the students at Hogwarts will know more than me and have their friendship groups already figured out. I think I'd feel more out of place at Hogwarts compared to a muggle school. I have always had an interesting relationship with my parents.

A few words to describe them would be emotionless, loveless and strict. My parents said that it will be easier as I am a pureblood, however I have my doubts. They told me to uphold their family name as a pureblood, to remain pure. I have always strived to do that sexually. Not to save myself for the right guy, but because I have never felt love before... not even from my parents, and I want to avoid it at all costs. I don't want to be heartbroken by some boy.

I feel my stomach start to tie up in knots as the train approaches the most enchanting castle I have ever seen. The reality of what is about to happen sets in, and I hug the cage of my owl tight to my chest and whisper "we'll be okay Nocturna", not fully believing that myself.

About 2 seconds after this, three students knock on the door. One boy with brown hair, glasses and a zig-zag scar on his forehead, another boy with ginger hair carrying a rat and a girl with gingery brown hair carrying a wand. The girl opens the door slightly and says "is this pod free?". I'm not a nasty person, but I'm all for self-preservation. I can be polite but usually is construed differently to some.

I simply nod and they all walk in. "What's your name?" The ginger-haired boy says. "y/n" I reply. "Mines Ron. Ron Weasley" he says as he puts his hand out for me to shake. I take his hand by my thumb and fingertip and slowly shake it before brushing my hands on my robe. I don't mean to be rude, truly, but his hands do look dirty. "I'm sorry, it's just.. what is that on your hands? Dirt?" I snicker. They all look at me before both the girl and the boy with brown hair laugh. "Ron, you probably should wash your hands," the female says. "Alright, mum" Ron replies and walks out of the carriage. "Sorry about that, he doesn't think sometimes. My name is Hermione Granger and that is Harry Potter," the girl says. She seems a bit pompous I won't lie, I don't really like know-it-all's but I'll be nice. "Nice to meet you both" I smile.

"So are you new? Transferring?" She pries. "Yes to being new, no to transferring" I say simply. "You're not a talker are you," she giggles. I find this statement slightly rude but smile and say "not really". "So where are you coming from if not transferring?" She asks. "My parents only told me this year that I'm not a muggle. So this is my first year, I have to essentially cram all the years into my final year in order to catch up" I say. "Oh I love studying, I can definitely help you with that" Hermione says. I hear Harry giggle before saying "unless you want to spend your entire year in the library, I would probably set time limits to those study dates" he says. I giggle in response, "thank you for the warning".

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