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As I dig the wand deeper into my neck, willing the magic to end my suffering, I feel a hand grab me. I look down, it's Draco. "Don't" he whispers. "Draco???" I cry. I drop the wand and sit his head on my lap. I softly brush the white blonde stranded of hair from his pale face. I hear Mattheo scoff. I snap my head in his direction, narrowing my eyes at him. Before I could understand what I had done, a large glass window shatters behind Mattheo as all the shards go flying toward him. Somehow, he manages to dodge them.

Silence settles upon us all. The deatheaters standing idly by, Mattheo standing with shock and sadness etched into his face, Draco staring up at me with concern. "You would kill me? To be with him?!" Mattheo booms. "I would do anything to be with Draco" I say. Mattheo moves his tongue over his teeth before letting out a manic laugh. "I see" he seethes. "AVADA-" before Mattheo can finish I feel my body spinning forcefully before both me and Draco's body's hit the cold hard ground. I look down at Draco and see him holding on tightly to a horcrux. We are on the property with the house we had planned to live in forever together.

His lips are dry, the colour drained completely from his face. I notice some blood in the corner of hie mouth, drip down slowly on his ivory skin. "Draco?? You're bleeding!" I cry. He coughs, choking on the source of the blood. "My- my stomach" he groans. I look down and see blood. Blood everywhere. "Draco how did this happen!" I scream as I race to the first aid kid. I begin to pack the wound as I cry, my tears saturating his cold body. "Draco, stay with me, please" I sob louder. When suddenly, Draco's face started to change.

It began to dissipate, dissolve in front of me. As if he never existed, drifting off into thin air. All that was left was my body on the cold ground before the house around me dissolved. As if everything around me swept up into nothingness. That was until the real environment in which I was sitting became apparent. I was back in the Malfoy mannor. In the same cold room the markings were etched into my skin. I hear the door click.

"Mattheo", I barely can make out a whisper. My body feeling numb and lifeless. "How did you do that?" I shake. He shakes his head, but for the first time, he isn't laughing. He isn't sarcastic. He looks at me like a man who had always loved a woman, who never loved him back. He sat in front of me, his eyes level to mine. "You broke me" his voice wavers. "You BROKE ME" he screams from the top of his lungs, as it felt the sentence never ended. Ringing through the entire cold walls of the mansion. I jolt suddenly, the yelling startling me. He rips the ring off of my finger before disintegrating it with magic. I look at him with confusion.

"Let me be very clear. Draco is dead. You will become a slave to this mansion. No better than a mere house elf. You will be a slave to me. You no longer have the privilege of my mercy" he says. I scoff, before he grabs me by the face. "Mary will be in to clean you for the very last time" he says before standing and walking away. What does he mean for the very last time? I know Draco can't be dead. He just couldn't be. "Oh, and y/n, I have a present for you later" he says. Except there was no smile, no smirk. His voice was lathered in distain.

I'm so sorry. I haven't updated this book in months. I've had so much going on and I really didn't know how I wanted to continue it either. I know this isn't the longest chapter but I hope you like it xx

To assert dominance (Draco x Mattheo)Where stories live. Discover now