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I wake to the feeling of a hand, tracing my arm. The cold rings pressing delicately against my warm skin. I blink slowly and see Mattheo resting his head upon one arm, whilst the other slowly traces patterns on my body. "Good morning" he coos softly into my ear. I blink a couple of times, looking up at his face. The curtains were parted perfectly, perfect enough for a ray of light to highlight the features on his face. His brown eyes lighting up like pools of brown honey, his jawline sharper than a knife.

I turn over, my back facing him. Suddenly, I feel him grip my throat tightly before saying, "Don't turn your back on me". I turn back and rip his hand from my throat before I stand up and say, "Make me". Clearly annoyed, he tries to lunge for me but in perfect timing, Mary enters the room. Mattheo stops in his tracks and looks at me with hateful eyes, before storming out of the room nearly knocking Mary over in the process.

"I apologise for him", she says in whispered tones. I shake my head, "No, please don't apologise". I look down to my feet, and that's when I realise I'm still wearing the ring he placed on my finger when we wed. The ring that should have been given to me by someone I love, by Draco. Mary coughs, breaking me out of my trance. "I'm sorry Mary, I was just..." she cuts me off. "It's okay dear, here let me run you a bath. We have a few preparations to make before tonight. Mattheo plans to make you take the vow tonight", she says. I nod silently. No protest will change my future.


The day was full of beauty preparations. Plucking, waxing, shaping, brushing, you name it. By the time Mary was done with me, there was not a hair on my body where it shouldn't have been. As Mary was applying my makeup, I stared outside. Almost praying or wishing that Draco was there. Waiting for me, standing there. About to take me to a place that would make me happy, somewhere I could live out my life with him away from Mattheo... but no such thing ever happened.

"Mary?" I say. "Yes my love?" she replies. "What am I supposed to be wearing tonight?" I ask. "Ooo let me show you!" She says excitedly before walking over to my closet. She pulls out a long, black dress. Conservative & classy. Interesting. "Wow... that's beautiful" I say. "Isn't it just? I'm glad he picked something with class" she says as she looks up at me and rolls her eyes, followed by a giggle. I giggle back. I really am glad though.

"Okay. We have one hour to finish off your makeup and get you ready for downstairs. The guests have already started arriving" she says. I go to sit back down and pause. "Mary, I'm scared" I say looking deep into her eyes. "Oh sweetheart -" she pauses and looks back with a look I can't seem to decipher. "I'll never let anything happen to you" she says. Suddenly it hit me. That's exactly what Draco said before Bellatrix took me. A single tear slipped from my eye. "Let's get you ready shall we?" She says. I nod and smile, knowing that Draco will save me.


After much slaving away at my makeup, hair and outfit, I'm finally ready. Mary takes my arm and smiles warmly, as she walks me out of the room and to the top of the stairs in the foyer, where everyone had been congregated for the vow. About halfway down was Mattheo and Voldemort stood waiting for me. Voldemort was making a speech, and announced my arrival and I begun walking down the stairs. Mary handed me off to Mattheo, who took my arm firmly and pulled me in close next to him. "You look lovely" he said sweetly. I grimace.

"Ahhhh there she is. My son's wife. My daughter-in-law" Voldemort snarls before the crowd emitted the most awful noise of laughter. "We have gathered here today, to make my - daughter-in-law" he pauses for dramatics. "Take an unbreakable vow, to pledge her allegiance and her life to our cause. She will be third in charge, underneath myself and my son. For if ever something were to happen to the both of us. Now to ensure that our values are to be upheld, this is where the unbreakable vow comes in. Son, y/n, please grab each other's right arm" he says.

Mattheo turns to me and grabs my right arm, tightly. So tight that it made me jump slightly. "Make the vow son" Voldemort spits. I look around quickly for any sign of Draco, any sign for him to save me and take me away from this awful place. To save my life. "He won't save you" Mattheo spits. "What if he does" I whisper back. Mattheo glares before speaking up. "Y/n, do you promise to uphold our values and become the third in charge of the deatheaters and all we stand for until the day of your last breath" he says with a smirk. I look to Voldemort, who has placed the tip of Mattheo's wand onto our linked hands.

I pause. Everything goes slow. I can't see Draco and the next answer I give will determine my life or my death. I start to breathe heavily, the world becoming fuzzy. "Answer" Mattheo booms. I start to shake. "I- I" I stutter, trying stall in hopes that Draco is just taking a long time. Suddenly Mattheo strikes me across the face with his unlinked hand. "ANSWER" he yells in my face. "No! I don't!" I scream as I unlink my arm from Mattheo. Suddenly there's a flash of green light fly past me. I look down the stairs to see Voldemort, laid lifeless on the last step of the staircase. I gasp in shock, but before I could process what's just happened I hear "Avada kedavra" before suddenly Mattheo grabs my arms and apparates us. A slight glimpse of blonde hair leaving my eyes as I am taken away to a different place in the arms of my enemy.


Draco's POV

I killed Voldemort. I watched her disappear in front of me with him. Quickly I apparate myself away from the death eaters standing in the foyer. I can't believe it. I meant to kill Mattheo.

I will kill Mattheo.

To assert dominance (Draco x Mattheo)Where stories live. Discover now