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Voldemort called for a meeting. Draco and I had been cuddling by the emerald green fire in the slytherin common room, when our marks started to burn. We both apparated together to the Malfoy mansion, gaining some looks from both his parents and mine. I guess a positive about Draco, is that he's everything my parents would have wanted. Pureblood, deatheater, his parents come from the same morals/values... I would be surprised if they weren't okay with it. I know they would never be happy for me, as they don't show emotion toward me, but okay with it is the least I would ask for.

Draco and I sit together, his parents on his side, and mine on the other. We sit in complete silence, waiting for Voldemort to speak. He's currently playing with a levitated body of a woman hovering above the table, speaking in parcel tongue to his snake, Nagini. Suddenly, he shouts "Avada kadarva" and the body falls onto the table. With one word, Nagini attacks the dead body, and begins to eat the remains.

I feel Draco grab my hand under the table and give it a tight squeeze. A rush of calm washes over me, but the uneasy feeling still lingers in my chest. "So... Draco, have you finished mending the cupboard?" Voldemort says. "No, my lord" he replies. "And what is taking you so long?" Voldemort asks. "I- I am almost done. It is harder than first anticipated" Draco says as I can his hand becomes increasingly more sweaty. "Disappointing" Voldemort says slowly. "Ahh y/n, I promise that you've helped Draco, as you've been tasked to do" Voldemort says. Shit. I remember my mother telling me at Borgin and Burke's to help him but I never did. Plus Draco never knew I had been tasked to do that, and I had kept my knowing a secret from him.

I turn to look at Draco but his eyes are fixed on the table, his jaw clearly clenched. "No my lord" I say honestly. "Why is that?" He replies, slightly agitated. "Because Draco is smart, I trust he will be able to fix the cabinet himself without my assistance" I say. The table goes silent, Draco gives me a sidewards glance, with a hint of a smile. "Very well, you have one week Draco. Any later and you will be interfering with my plans" he says angrily. "You all have disappointed me, you can all leave" Voldemort sighs. Before anyone had the chance to stand up, Mattheo comes waltzing through the door.

"Hello father" he says evilly, his eyes fixed on mine. "Mattheo, what a pleasure for you to finally join us. I trust you've met everyone" Voldemort says. "Oh believe me father, I have. In fact, I've met our new couple. Y/n and Draco" he says. I hear a gasp emit from my mothers mouth, and glare directly at the smirking Mattheo. "Lucius, Narcissa, Thomas, Jane... may I speak with you all privately" Voldemort spits. All the deatheaters, aside from Draco and I'd parents leave the hall. Draco takes my hand and walks me up the stairs toward his room in the manor. He shuts the door behind him quickly. "Y/n you have no idea what he's just done. He won't allow us to be together" Draco says worriedly.

I look up at the worried boy and say in a hushed tone "It's okay Draco.. it's okay. We can find a way around it. We just have to be careful" I say. Suddenly, the door swings open, revealing an angry Mattheo. "Did I hear that correctly?" He says smugly. "We're you planning on lying to your lord, sneaking around behind his back? Let me assure you, you will have my eyes on your back 24/7. You will be unable to breathe without me knowing about it" he says, stepping closer to me. Draco takes a step forward at this. Mattheo turns his head toward Draco, before taking another step toward me, his head landing in the crook of my neck. I try to take a step back but he grabs a clump of my hair at the back of my head and cocks my head backward quickly. "Don't touch her!" Draco yells.

Quickly Mattheo pulls his wand out and casts Draco's wand from his hand, pointing the wand toward Draco. "One more step Malfoy, and you won't see the light of day" he says darkly. Draco stands there, fuming. Mattheo turns back to me, before kissing my neck harshly, leaving a love bite. "Get off of me!" I yell as he sucks harder. "Draco" I say tearily, my eyes beginning to water. Mattheo was so caught up in sucking on my neck, Draco was able to quickly dart for Mattheo's wand, pulling it from his hands and yelling "crucio!".

To assert dominance (Draco x Mattheo)Where stories live. Discover now