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I wake to the sound of my blaring alarm, quickly reaching for it's off button. I hear Pansy giggle at me. "What?" I question tiredly. "Why don't you just use your wand?" She snickers. "Oh I-" saved by the bell. The door swings open and reveals the boy that has been on replay on my mind all night. He stares at me dead in the eye before switching his gaze to Pansy. "Let's go" he says to her in monotone. She should tell him to get - "okay!" She says, blushing as she follows him. He had let the door go, making it nearly slam in her face before walking off.

Lovely. I don't know why she puts up with that shit. I drag myself out of bed and decide to wear my short mini shirt and tight blouse under my robe. I mean no one will see it, and plus, I'm super skinny at the waist and curvy everywhere else so I may as well show it off under the robe. I grab the rest of my class materials and go to walk out the door before stopping and realising I need to take my wand. This is not like muggle high school to say the least.

As I make my way to class, I notice that I'm late. Shit shit shit shit. I try to sneak in and find the first seat that I can. We have potions first up with Professor Snape. I hear some first years talking in the common room this morning about how bad he is so, fingers crossed he doesn't see that I'm la— "Late Miss?..." Professor Snape says waiting for a response. "Y/l/n Sir" I reply. Of course he noticed I was late.

"Lateness will not be tolerated in my class, let alone on the first day..." he trails off the last part of the sentence slowly while cocking an eyebrow up in my direction. "10 points off of Slytherin" he says before turning back to the board. The sighs from all slytherin classmates ring through the classroom. What a great first impression.

"You will be pairing up today to brew Amortentia. I will be reading the list of pairs off now" he sounds. I would truly love to know exactly what potion that is, but due to my lack of knowledge, I do not. I don't listen to the tired man drone on about pairs until I hear my name called... miss y/l/n and Cedric Diggory" he says. I look around the class and meet eyes with one of the most gorgeous humans I have ever witnessed.

His smile shines like a diamond freshly polished, and his eyes sparkle like the light when it hits them. I smile and blush, looking down as I begin to collect my things from my desk to move. As if he had sprinted across the classroom, within seconds he stands before me and says "no please, let me move" before plunking his books beside me. His pleasant manly-smelling cologne filling my nostrils. His voice is alike to thick honey and the warm glow of a fire all wrapped into a sound. Sweet sweet honey dripping from his- "so y/n is it? Nice to meet you. I'm Cedric" he says. I blush even harder. "You too" I smile. "I'll go grab what we need, you stay here" he says. I nod, heat still radiating off of my supple cheeks.

As he gathers the materials needed, I try to regain myself. As he arrives back to the table he says "okay so do you know what to do?". I look back at him with a slightly confused look before saying softly "I'm not even sure what Amortentia is..." looking down and my feet in shame and embarrassment. "Oh" he says. "Don't worry, I'll help you. Amortentia is essentially a love potion. It is said that what you smell when you sniff it, resembles the scents of who you admire most" he says.

He directs me through the process of making it, before presenting the potion before me. "Sniff it and tell me what you smell" he says. I smile before wafting the scent before me. As I breathe it in, I notice a familiar scent... it was his cologne. I could feel my cheeks blush harder than they have most likely ever blushed before. He gives me a strange look before saying, "what do you smell?". I look up at him, deciding whether I should say. "It- it smells like your cologne" I stutter, looking up into his beautiful dark grey eyes. He returns a cheeky smirk, before saying, "is that so".

"Your turn" I quickly return back to him. He wafts the scent toward him, staring deep into my eyes as he does. "So..?" I say eager to know. "It smells like the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on" he smirks. I could have sworn my heart stopped dead in it's tracks. I smiled straight at him, not willing to look away for one second. "So, y/n, would you want to come with me tomorrow to Hogsmead? It's a town not far from here, it's got a lovely tea shop named Madam Puddifoot's. Would you like to come?" He says. "Of course" I smile. "Okay well I'll meet you, out front of your common room. Sound good?" I nod and smile at him as he takes my hand and kisses it goodbye.

I had been so wrapped up in conversation that I didn't hear professor Snape dismiss class. I collect my things and begin to walk around the castle. I don't have classes all day so I may as well do some discovering.

I begin to walk up what feels like a never ending set of stairs. I know that Ms.Trelawney has her classes at the top of them, however I don't believe there is a class on currently. As I walk up the stairs, I feel the hairs on my skin stand on edge, as if someone is watching me. I make my way to the top, seeing the empty classroom and fawn over the beautiful decor art on the glass. I can't see much in terms of the view but the stained glass is beautiful enough.

I peak my head through the door of the empty classroom to examine what's inside. I haven't had a class in here yet but I've heard both the teacher and her teachings are rather odd. I walk toward the crystal ball and look inside. As I gaze further and further into the glass ball, I begin to see a figure arise. Is that? - No. I can't be. It just can't be — "BOO!" I hear the loud booming voice from behind and I can't help but jump, knocking the table and smashing the crystal ball on the floor. I whip my head around to see what idiot thought it was a good idea to sneak up on me. Low and behold, it's Draco.

"You're a fucking idiot" I seethe."It's fine, my dad will buy the school 20 more where that came from" he smirks, having near pissed himself with laughter. I roll my eyes and kneel down, trying to salvage what I can of the broken glass. As I start to scoop the glass up, Draco whips out his wand and within seconds, the shards of glass had been collected and placed in the bin. "You do realise we have a magic for a reason" he jokes. "A little bit of manual labor never hurt anyone Draco" I snap. What a prick. His features turn dark before kneeling down to my level on the group, grabbing my face hard with his hand.

"Don't. Call me Draco. It's Malfoy to you." He snarls. "How about I call you nothing you pig? I shout before standing up and racing toward the door. Before I could even brush my fingertips on the cold doorknob, my body is sent flying backward by his grip on my wrist. He roughly turns me to face him before pushing my shoulders, forcing me down back onto my knees in front of him with one fluid motion. I can tell this isn't his first time doing this.

I look up at him, anger flaring up in my eyes. Just as I begin to open my mouth to dish him out a few kind words, he places his cold hand over my lips. The feeling of his cold rings makes me shiver right down to my core. He moves his grip to my neck before slowly saying, "remove my belt".

Never have I EVER not only been asked to do this but the BALLS on this boy to ASSUME that I would do as he says is OUTRAGEOUS. Soon I'm yet to find that that sentence alone would be the most outrageous part of this experience. There was something about the way the light pouring in from the windows lit his features up like stars in the night sky. The shadows formed by his chiseled bone structure, and the glint of his gorgeous hair left me speechless.

I couldn't help but find myself slowly nodding in shock at his demand, my hand shakily reaching upward to undo the silver belt around his waist. As I undo the buckle and remove the leather belt from his waist, he harshly grabs my chin and lifts it up to look at him. "Now remove everything else" he grins. I hesitate for a moment before hooking my fingertips over his pants and pulling them down to the ground. I look up to see his growing erection etched into his boxers. I gasp quietly, taking in the size of which lies before me.

My hands noticeably begin to shake furiously as I reach for the elasticated band. As I begin to pull his boxers down, Draco suddenly steps back and fixes himself up before buckling his belt back up. "Good girl. You've now been taught an important lesson. You do as I say" he smirks before grabbing my cheeks harshly. "Never talk back to me again, understood?" He says before moving my head up and down in agreement through his grip. "Good" he simply snaps as he stands up, and walks out the door.

Here I am judging Pansy for following his demands... classic.

To assert dominance (Draco x Mattheo)Where stories live. Discover now