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Things began to go abnormally perfect for Jack. Every day he went to see Elsa, who'd gradually become more and more open with him. She now had a reason to sneak out, for someone would actually be waiting to see her. For over a week the two would meet in the town square and would go to a quiet spot where they could talk away. He would even bring her wildflowers he found on his way down the mountain.

The only day he didn't show up was when the monarchs of Bodø visited; too much of a fuss... but he would've loved to have seen the party from the inside of the building this time.

Jack didn't mind that Elsa did most of the talking—he preferred to listen. For the first time, he had someone to listen to. She would confide in Jack about her problems, the stress of having to act poised and regal as well as her distant relationship from her parents. Jack always thought it was funny that she had trouble with poise, because he saw such perfection when he was with her. Once Jack and Elsa got talking about other things, like Bodø's visit and the private party that followed, Elsa was surprised that Jack had never been to one of their balls before. They were walking next to each other on a bridge over a sparkling lake and during this discussion.

"Never? You've never been to a ball?"

"Nah. I'm not much for dancing."

"You don't have to dance. It's just for us to get together as a community."

He chuckled. "I'm just pretty awful at socializing."

"Oh? So what are you and I doing then?"

"You and I are friends, it's different." Like him and Pitch, except Pitch was a freak like him. Jack peered over the railing of the bridge. "I actually got to know you... Anywhere with big crowds makes me nervous."

Elsa sat on the railing next to him. "I get nervous too, but it's something I've had to do since I was a kid. I'm always stuffed into fancy dresses, I have to give some stupid speech. It's like I'm not supposed to enjoy myself." Jack didn't respond. He got lost in thought. "What is it?"

Jack almost didn't answer, but she was waiting to know. He took a seat next to her. "When I was a kid, I wasn't allowed to go anywhere... Kind of like you. I was never allowed to play with other kids."

"Why not? You seem... normal." She wasn't sure how Jack would take that.

That made him uncomfortable. "You'd be surprised..."

None the wiser, Elsa grinned. She nonchalantly scooted closer. Jack tensed up. "I don't think you're any weirder than I am." He didn't reply; this was closer than he was comfortable with. She had no idea what danger she was in! Elsa suddenly shivered. "Ah! It's really cold all the sudden!" Jack looked down to see ice creeping onto the railing from his palm. He lept down with a shocked gasp and Elsa jumped. "What? What's wrong?"

Jack stammered. He tried to say something to lighten the mood. Then they heard a faint noise, Elsa's facial expression changed completely. "That's the bell tower... That means something's happened!" Jack's heart sank when he saw her frightened expression.

"Something bad?"

"I don't know. I've got to go!" She lifted her dress above her ankles and ran towards the castle.

Jack said nothing more. He kept his hands concealed under his shawl and made a dash for the gates. That had been too close!


Elsa made it to the throne room. It was only the servants, the royal handler, and her mother and father. Agnarr was reading a long document in front of them. She tried to slip into the audience where she found Gerda. "What's happening?"

Jack FrostWhere stories live. Discover now