Close Together | Logince

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Warnings: top!Roman, Bottom!Logan, slight angst at first, cock warming, praise, comfort, blow job

"Come over here, kitten" coos Roman, sitting on the bed in his usual lacy red negligee, his arms wide open to the sniffling Logan at the door. Quicker than ever, Logan dives into his boyfriends arms, needing to feel him close to him. He let's out tiny sobs as his feelings overwhelm him, and Roman rubs his back gently, softly hushing him before cupping his face.

"Do you want to talk about it, my darling?" Carefully whispering, he aims to comfort Logan in any way he can. Logan shakes his head. "Not yet?" That receives a nod from Logan, the Prince awwes gently. Aware of how fragile his boyfriend is, Roman thinks about what to do next. Logan simply nuzzles into Romans hand gently.

"How about we help calm you down, yes?" Suggests Roman, kissing Logans forehead. "We can watch a documentary, or read, and cuddle?"
Logan bites his lip, looking up at Roman with teary eyes, which Roman can't help but find slightly attractive.

"Can.. Can I cockwarm you, Pl-please?" Logan asks, voice slightly higher than usual. "I want to be closer to you.. Please sir." Romans dick definitely twitches at that, and he nods.
"Of course, princess, would you like to lay down or get on your knees?"
"Lay down, please."

Soon enough Roman is sitting against the headboard, the negligee pulled up against his stomach to show his impressive size, with Logans head on his thigh, laying in between his legs. Shyly, Logan takes the tip into his mouth, causing the prince to gasp softly and whine. But he made sure not to buck up, as this was about Logan, not him. Logan takes about half of it into his mouth, before deciding that's where he was most comfortable.

Roman smiles, playing with Logans hair as the movie plays (Roman knew he'd need to focus on something else besides Logans wet heat around him. And that it may be beneficial for Logan to have background noise). Though every now and then he'd let a praise or two fall from his princely lips, muttering phrases such as:
"Look at you, so beautiful with your face between my legs."
"Such a pretty kitten, doing so well for his master."
"Bet you just want to be filled with come, don't you, gorgeous? Such a beautiful cumdump."

With each praise and slight degrading, Logan would hum or moan. Eyes glassy, Logan doesnt even look up at Roman, head half in space, which Roman loved.

Hours could have passed with the two sitting there, Roman letting or tiny soft pants whenever Logan would move his tongue, or move his mouth accidentally when taking time to breathe. Soon enough, Logan begins to wrap his tongue around his lovers length, sucking gently. The side in question grips Logans hair, panting and whining.

"L-Lo, a-ah, princess~" Roman praises through his moans. Testingly, Roman bucks his hips, only slightly, choking Logan. In response, Logic moans, bobbing his head faster, determined to get Roman off.

"Fuck, kitten, fuck fuck fu- Lo!" Head lolling back slightly, Roman makes an effort to pull Logan off of his length, coming across his face messily. Oh the sight could get him hard again, pretty white streaks across Logans cheek and mouth. Cutely, Logan wipes some from his cheek and licks it up, moaning.

"Gorgeous" he mutters, loving the whines and pants coming from Logan.

Roman turns the movie off as his chest rises and falls, before smirking.

"Now, princess." Roman begins, getting Logans attention once more. He can see how hard Logan is, and giggles patronisingly. "Ride me and let master fill you up." He orders in a deeper tone. And, well, Logans never scrambled up faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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