Go To Sleep | Losleep

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This is the first time I've ever attempted to write actual smut ;~; if you have requests DM me then or leave a comment, though I'm less likely to see the comments. If I'm not comfortable with a request I'll most likely ignore it. I'll only try RemRom requests if I really, really like the prompt, but since I don't ship it I possibly wont.

Warnings: Sub!Logan, Dom!Remy, Punishment, semi public sex, Degradation, praise, bad writing.


For the third time that evening, or very early morning, Logan cracks his neck, the satisfying crunch somewhat waking him up again. Logan has, once again, been staying up far too late for his liking to complete work. Scheduling for Thomas had always been a job that takes up most of his time. It's already been a whole day since he began figuring out how to schedule the very busy week that was upcoming. With tired eyes, Logan checks the time on his computer: 2:15AM. Not too late, he thinks while exhaling a sigh. "Just need to print off the plan and then I can sleep." He tells himself this to remind himself that the job is almost over and that he can finally rest soon.

That simple, right?

After pressing print for whatever he needs, Logan gets up and stretches his legs. He heads out of his room and over to the hallway, where the printer is. Listening to the satisfying whirrs of the machine -which he hopes would not wake anyone up- Logan goes to the kitchen for a glass of water.

Though while reaching up to retrieve a glass from the cupboard, Logans shirt slightly lifts up to expose his stomach and sides, which he suddenly feels a pair of cold hands gently holding his sides, causing him to jump at first, but then relax as he realises who it is, familiar to the touch.

"And what do you think you're doing up so late~?" A familiar, playful voice whispers in his ear. "You know that both I and Thomas can't sleep until every other side has fallen asleep, right? I never expected you to be the one up~"

"S-Salutations Remy..." Murmurs Logan, not expecting to actually get caught. Though considering they've both been in this position before, he shouldn't be too surprised. "I was actually just on my way to bed-"
"Yeah, being in the kitchen definitely seems like your bedroom, I thought you was smarter than this, Logan~" Remy tsks playfully, hands travelling further up Logans shirt, earning a tired whine from him. His cold hands find their way to Logans chest, gently playing with his nipples. His coffee scented (and, Logans sure, flavoured) breath fans across the side of his face, causing Logan to blush as he realises how close they really are.

" I a-am.."
"Mhm, sure you are. You know I should punish you for staying up so late. You're really making my job harder for me, babes." One of Remys hands slowly travels down Logans stomach and dips into his jeans, causing the logical side to gasp.
"Is that okay?" Remy asks, getting a nod yes from Logan. The sleep side evily grins.

Remy palms Logan until he's hard and whining, playing with Logans chest with his other hand. After a while of teasing, earning begs from the usually stoic side, Remy pushes Logan so he's bent over the counter, not being gentle.

"R-Remy, anyone could s-see!" Hisses Logan as he realises their whereabouts. This just earns a teasing smack from Remy on Logans clothed ass. Logan squeezes his eyes shut as he suppresses a moan.

"Oh anyone could walk in and you'd beg them to watch, you whore. I bet you wanted this to happen, didn't you? Look at you... You're so weak for me, aren't you? What happened to this 'I'm so serious' facade, aye?" Remy taunts with a smirk as he pushes down Logans jeans. Logan gasps, not finding any words to argue back for once. "You're just a stupid, mindless slut, aren't you?"

Frantically nodding, Logan spreads his legs as much as he can, gripping the cold counter desperately. He yelps as Remy hits his ass once more, the movement causing him to buck against the counter, the painful friction causing him to moan louder, not seeming to care that the others might hear so suddenly.

"Tell me how much of a whore you are." Demands the sleep side, caressing Logans ass gently. Logan flushes and shakes his head, before getting another teasing hit, whining.
"Please, Remy, I'm s-such a whore for you, want you now, please~!!"

And that's good enough for Remy.

Remy summons lube, coating his fingers in the substance before circling Logans entrance with his slick fingers, teasing his hole which clenches around nothing. Logan turns to look at Remy impatiently, face red.

Remy slowly pushes a finger into Logan, receiving a gasp and a whine from the nerd, who desperately bucks against his finger. Remy watches Logan and chuckles fondly.

"I missed you, you know~ or, well, I missed this at least. You're so fun to okay with." Remy somewhat praises, causing Logan to flush more, and stutter out a 'tch'.
"I know you missed this, now hurry up!" He impatiently demands, trying to keep his voice down. Remy raises his pierced eyebrow, taking his sunglasses off as he looks down at Logan.
"Do you think you're in the position to be giving me orders, slut?" He starts stretching Logan faster, brushing his fingers against his prostate. Logans eyes when as he moans louder, unexpectedly coming from the degradation and prep. Pitifully, he whines, wanting more.

With a evil smirk, Remy flips Logan so his back is against the counter, helping him sit up on the counter before roughly kissing him. Logan hums softly, legs wrapping around Remys clothed waist.

"Please Rem.. More.." He whimpers. Remy smirks, shoving his jeans and underwear down to reveal his hard length. He quickly covers himself with lube before pushing into Logan. Logan let's out a pained whine, fingers threading through Remys hair. Remy starts slowly thrusting, hitting Logans prostate. Logan moans, holding onto Remy tightly as the thrusts start to get faster, setting a steady rhythm.

"Remy, m-more!" Logan begs, clutching him tight. Remy grins at all the noises that only he can make Logan create. He starts thrusting harder, ramming into his prostate with a need. Logan quickly slaps a hand over his mouth as he let's out a scream like moan, thankfully muffled by his hand. He continues chanting Remus name as his legs, which are wrapped tightly around Remy, begin to shake slightly. Tracing his fingers teasingly across Logans waist, Remy mutters praise to him, telling him to come. Logans moans get louder and louder, though he desperately tries to hide his whines.

Logan comes across his and Remys clothed stomachs, ruining the clothes. Though it wouldn't be hard to fix since they're in the mindscape. Remy follows not too long after, coming hard inside of Logan, filling him up with a grunt.

The two pant, lost in their own highs for a second. Logans head is against one of the cabinets as his grey eyes close slightly. Remy, finally, kisses Logan on his lips, letting the now more tired side taste him before he falls to sleep. Remy chuckles, glad that he'd succeeded in getting Logan to sleep.

His own come leaks from Logans hole and into the counter top. "Eh, Remus will collect it for his collection" he shrugs lazily as he takes Logan to his bedroom, quickly cleaning him up. Logan doesnt bother asking about what Remy means, finding that he duesnt care much right now. He turns on Logans space light projector before leaving Logan to rest, reminding himself to tell Logan how gorgeous he is the next morning.

[Word count: 1352]

Cursed bonus:

Up earlier than everyone else, Remus is in the kitchen the next morning, scooping the come into a plastic bag already filled with the nasty fluid, cackling evilly like the mini gremlin he is, stealing the substance and taking it to his collection room.


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