Chapter 2

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Padding down the halls, you ignored the looks of everyone looking at you, the whispering they did about you. You stormed through, blocking them all out as you came up to your squad leaders door before banging on it.

"Name and business!" Levi called.

"Cadet (L/N), you told me to come here."


Opening the door, you slammed it shut behind you before turning to the man, Erwin, Levi and Reiner were all sat in there.

Giving Reiner a glare, you saluted before walking closer, standing in the middle of the room.

"It has come to my attention that the pair of you keep fighting." Erwin spoke.

"That's because she's a lazy ass who doesn't do anything!" Reiner yelled, "she's pretty much useless!"

"Shut the hell up asshole!"

Reiner stood up and you stormed over to him, grabbing him by the collar of his uniform, sweeping his feet from under him as you flared down at him.

"Try me." You growled, "I fucking dare you!"

"(L/N)! That's enough!" Levi yelled, slamming his hand on the desk.

You stayed in that spot, holding Reiner on the ground as you glared at him, your hand shaking as you tried to hold your anger back, that familiar feeling bubbling up inside of you.

A hand was placed on your shoulder making you jump, shoving Reiner down, you spun around ready to attack whoever it was, blankness surrounding you, but as you fist went flying towards their face you stopped, just inches away as soft blue eyes looked down at you. Your shoulders heaved with your heavy breaths.

"Calm yourself cadet." Erwin said gently.

You stood there staring at him, memories flooding your head.

You sat on top of the man who'd come to talk to you, fire in your eyes as you raised your fist above his head.

Soldiers went to stop you, but he held up a hand, telling them all to stop as he gave you a soft smile.

"You're strong." He spoke softly.

"Shut the hell up bastard!" You roared.

He laughed, shaking his head a little. His hand coming up to cover yours making your eyes widen in shock.

Everyone was scared of you, they feared you and didn't dare to confront you for the things you did. But he did, maybe that's why you were so angry with him, he stopped you from stealing food and it pissed you off.

"Calm down, I won't hurt you."

"You're a liar! You'll throw me in jail or something!"

"I wouldn't do that, you're just trying to survive, right?"

You slowly lowered your fist, nodding your head. You remained sat in top of him, your dirtied form messing up his clean uniform.

"Though what you did was wrong, I don't think you should be jailed for it. Do you?"

You simply just shrugged.

"May I stand up?" He asked.

You debated this for a moment, eyes narrowing before you jumped off him, standing a few steps away, your stance going back to protective ready to defend yourself at a moments notice.

"What's your name?" He asked standing, "I'm Erwin Smith. Part of the scouts."


"Well (Y/N), it's a pleasure to meet you. You're strong for someone your age, you'd make a good scout." He smiled and left.

You stared at Erwin and slowly lowered your arm, letting his drop with yours as you slowly calmed down.

"That's it, that's better." Erwin smiled.

You huffed, and glared at him, but he could see right through it.

"Now, we need to deal with the pair of you."

Erwin walked away, standing next to Levi while you and Reiner stood on opposite ends of the room.

"Reiner, Levi has already told me he's put you on cleaned duty for two months, one month will be your punishment." Erwin turnt to you, "(L/N) you're also on cleaning duty for two weeks and you'll be under Levi's watch while you learn to control your temper."

"What that's not fair!" Reiner yelled.

"You're dismissed Reiner." Erwin replied.

Not daring to argue with the commander, he started to leave, but not before sending you a glare.

You picked up a book and launched it at him, narrowly missing his head as he ran out the room.

"I don't want to be in charge of her." Levi hissed.

"I'm sorry Levi, but no one else can do it. She's also in your squad which makes her yours to deal with."

Erwin offered the man an apologetic smile and walked over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"I don't need anger management Erwin." You growled.

"I'm sorry, but it's for your own good. That temper of yours is going to land you in bad places."

You snorted and shook your head.

"I've already had it bad."

"I know, just try it, please?"


Erwin took that as a yes, ruffled your hair and left the room, leaving you standing there with Levi.

"Tsk, fine. Pick up the damn book your threw brat."

Sneering, you bit back the comment you wanted to make and walked to the book, picking it up and placed it back where you got it from.

Standing against the wall, you crossed your arms and glared at the floor.

"Go clean the kitchen, then meet me outside after dinner. We'll start your anger management tonight."


Marching out of the room, you nearly crashed into some of your friends who were trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"So?" Eren asked.

"Fucking anger management!"

"You need it." Jean snickered.

"If you don't shut that horse mouth of yours you'll be in the medical ward."

Jean raised his hands with a smirk and backed away, letting you walk down the hall with others following you.

"I don't mean to be rude (Y/N), but I think it would help you." Armin said gently.

You went to snap at him but held yourself back, not wanting to hurt his feelings. You hated this, you hated Erwin for making you do anger management, you hated Reiner and wanted to plow his face into the ground. You wanted to scream and rip the whole place apart, but you couldn't

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