Chapter 9

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The morning passed quickly, but it was peaceful. You ate your breakfast, did your chores alongside Eren and Mikasa, and took a small nap.

Padding your way into the dining hall, you headed towards the table with the other cadets, looking for a space to sit.

"Here (Y/N)!" Connie yelled.

He shuffled to the side, allowing you to sit next to him and Jean, a plate of food already waiting for you.

"Thanks guys."

"No problem princess." Jean smirked.

Elbowing him lightly, you gave him a playful glare before you started to eat.

"So, hows you're day going?" Sasha asked, stuffing her mouth full of food.

"Not to bad, I took a walk this morning so that was nice."

You decided to leave the fact that Levi was with you out, knowing people would question why he was with you.

"Heard you took a nap lazy ass." Reiner snorted.

"I'll have you know it wasn't even that long." You pouted.

"Yeah, only two hours." Eren snickered.

"How was I supposed to know?! Time flies when you sleep!"

Everyone laughed and You grinned, shaking your head slightly.

"I've never known someone to sleep so much." Admin chuckled.

"Yeah, I swear I never see you do chores yet somehow they're done." Connie joined in.

"Alright! Alright! Why are you all bullying me?"

Jean wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side, ruffling your hair a little.

"We're kidding, we love you really."

"Though you are lazy." Ymir nodded.

"Aw, come on! You don't think I am, right Krista?"

The girl rubbed the back of her head sheepishly making you gasp turning to Mikasa who just nodded.

"Man, you guys are such meanies."

Everyone laughed again and carried on eating, soon finishing your lunch and started to tidy up.

"(L/N), my office." Levi ordered.

"Oh shit..." you whispered.

You forgot about that.

Putting your brush down, you slowly spun around and started to follow the man while your friends gave you worried glances and words of comfort.

Even down the halls, you never spoke a word. Levi pushed the door to his office open, letting you in first before closing it and heading to his desk, taking a seat in the chair behind it.

"Since I can't find a punishment good enough for you, I decided I'm going to make your life hell. You'll be working under me for the next month."


Levi pointed to a large stack of papers.

"First, you can organise all of these into most and least important."

"How the hell am I supposed to know that?!" You argued.

"Figure it out."

"That's not fair! I don't know what you consider important!"

"Just shut up and do it!"

Grumbling, you bit your tongue, knowing if you carried on you'd get angry. Storming over to his desk, you took the papers and stormed away into a far corner of the room.

You picked up the first one, seeing the seal of military police, You shrugged and set it down in one pile, and picked up another, setting it in a different one.

This is how it went for a while, you putting things into separate piles, working in silence, bored out of your mind.

Dying sounded more fun than what you were doing, you didn't know if Levi was trying to piss you off or actually kill you of boredom.

When you placed the final bit of paper down, you nearly jumped for joy.

"Done jackass..." you grumbled.

Levi looked up from his desk, hearing your voice.

"What did you say?"

"I'm done." You drawled out.

Levi rose a brow, and stood up, walking over. He knelt down next to the papers and picked up one of them.

"What pile is this?"

"Unimportant crap."

"So you put the military police letters here?"

"Yeah, they're pretty important so." You shrugged.

You could have sworn you saw the ghost of a smirk on his face, but before you could check again it was gone.

Levi stood, picking up the important pile and carried it back to his desk, sitting down in front of it.

"Take all those papers in front of you and bin them."

Standing, you hauled up the pile, heading over to the bin you just dropped them, scattering a few bits of paper, making Levi groan.

"Pick them up."

Glancing at him, making sure he was looking away, you stuck your tongue out at him. Picked them up and binned them before walking over to the desk, dropping into a chair.

"Once I've done signing these, you're to take them to Erwin."


"Don't get snappy with me." He warned.

You sat there for a few minutes before sighing heavily.

"Can't you give me something else to do?"


"Can I go away until you're done?"

"No, you're to sit there, behave, and don't annoy me."

Throwing your head back, you stared up at the ceiling.

You tried to occupy your time by counting all the books, but you got bored, you then tried to get a bit of paper but Levi glared at you making you stop.

You begun to hum lightly under your breath. Singing a soft tune to yourself.

"...Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters..."

Your voice was soft, barely loud enough to be heard from across the room, but since you were sat in front of Levi he could heard it perfectly.

"Be quiet." He snapped.

"I'm bored!"

"Too bad. Shut up."

Growling lightly, you dug your nails into your leg, letting the pain take away the anger. Once you managed to calm down a bit you snapped and just stared straight up, slowly drifting to sleep.

Levi sighed at the peace he was now getting, making it easier for him to do his work. He briefly glanced at you to find you fast asleep and was going to wake you up when he realised that you sleeping was the only way he was going to get some peace

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