Chapter 7

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You woke up, stirring a little as you stared up at the ceiling. You vaguely remember making it upstairs, having a hot bath, changing and that was it.

Sitting up, you looked out the window, the sun was just rising creating a shine on the grass over the rain drops.

"Peaceful..." you whispered.

'It's disgusting, chaos is the best thing.'

"Shut up." You snapped glaring at your stomach.

Dragging yourself from your bed, you changed into your uniform and tossed a jumper on over the top and quietly left your room.

Not many people would be wondering about at this time, so you had space and the quiet to just start your day off right.

Padding down the stairs, you quietly opened the front door and stepped out, allowing the cool breeze to hit you as you softly closed it. Walking on the grass, you hummed to yourself as you aimlessly wondered the place.

Lost in your head, you nearly bumped into someone and you immediately snapped out of it. Eyes locking on to the steel grey ones of your squad leader.


You quickly saluted and Levi rose a brow at you.

"So you can salute properly." He noted.

Laughing a little, you nodded your head and rubbed the back of your neck with the cheeky smile.

"Yeah, when I want to."

Letting your hands drop, you side stepped around him and bowed your head a little.

"Excuse me."

With that, you started to wonder once more, but his steps fell in line with yours, making you a little tense.

"Why are you wondering around at this time?" Levi asked.

"I just woke up, I like it at this time. It's quiet, and I don't feel angry when it's peaceful. May I ask why you are?"


You nodded your head, both of you walked in silence for a little bit before you remembered something.

"Levi sir?"


"I'm... sorry for hitting you..."

"You will be."

Gulping, you worried about what he'd do to you. Would he make you clean for months on end? Run laps? There's so much he could make you do.

"You've got a strong hit." He spoke.

Jumping a little, you stared at him in shock before turning away.

"Yeah... that wasn't my hardest..."

"Why did you hit me (L/N)?"

You sighed, letting a small huff of air out your nose.

"I didn't mean too... I couldn't control it..."

Levi never said anything, so you didn't either. You just stayed quiet walking around with your squad leader in what could almost be described as comfort and peace.

Levi glanced at you, a small smile was on your face. For the first time in months of being around you, it was a genuine smile. Not a smirk or a grin, a real smile of happiness and peace.

It almost didn't look like you, it looked like a whole different person.

Taking his eyes of you, he went back to looking straight ahead.

The pair of you stopped next to a fence, you climbed up and sat on it while Levi just leant against it.

You gazed at the sunrise, memories flashing through your head of you watching it when you were a child, happy and kind. No angry bone in your body, before everything changed.

Even the demon inside of you seemed to be at peace while you sat there, it didn't stir or speak, it just seemed to sit there at ease.

Levi had looked through your file, trying to figure out more about you, but there was nothing there.

Your parents names, your age, a brief history about you when you were a child and that was it. It was like you vanished from the world and resurfaced to join the scouts, there was so much left unaccounted for.

Levi glanced at you again, the sun hit your skin giving it a little glow, your eyes twinkled as you watched it rise.

He still had so many questions, your file didn't help him at all. He needed to know more, he had to find answers for his unasked questions.

There was one that circled his head.

What the hell were you hiding?

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