Chapter 10

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Once Levi finished signing all his papers, he took a break to stretch before standing up, walking around his desk, watching you for a moment before kicking the chair.

"Oi, wake up."

You didn't stir.

"Wake the hell up!"

Levi booted the chair harder this time, making it shake. You bolted up, straight on to you feet, eyes frantically gazing around before they landed on his.

You almost looked wild, eyes alert and body tense ready to attack.

"What the hell was that for?" You snapped.

"Go do your job."

Rolling your eyes, you took the papers from the desk and begun to head towards the door.

"Thank fuck for that." You sighed.

You wasted no time in heading to Erwin's office, booting the door open, kicking it closed with your heel. Walking over to the desk, you gently placed the papers down and walked around it.

"Hello (Y/N)." Erwin chuckled.

"Hello old man." You smirked.

"As pleasant as ever I see."

"Always." You replied.

You have Erwin a grin and sat in his windowsill, he stood up and sat with you, both of you staring out into the world.

"The expedition is soon." He spoke.

You nodded, humming along.

"Are you ready to go on it? I know you've been on a few before, I just want to make sure."

"I... suppose. Are you scared?" You asked him.

Turning your eyes to his, you found Erwin already looking at you, a grim look on his face.

"I'm always scared, I'm just good at hiding it. I know there'll be more death, and that's not what I want, but it can't be avoided.

Erwin stood, walking so he was in front of you, razing his hand, he placed it gently on top of your head.

"Stay safe, okay?"

Bringing your hand up to cover his, you offered him a small smile to which he returned.

"I'll try my best, you will too right Erwin? I... I can't lose you as well..."

Erwin nodded his head, placing a kiss to your forehead.

"I'll try my best too."

With that, he sat back down at his chair.

"I want you to be with Levi on this one, I think you two will be good together. You're both strong and capable."

"I think I can handle that."

"Good." He said gently, "now, go get your dinner, I'm sure everyone is looking for you."

You gasped, you completely forgot what time it was, jumping from the window, you ran towards the door, waving a hasty by to your commander before running out, dashing down the halls and sliding into the dining hall.

"Sasha you better not have eaten my food!"

"They wouldn't let me." She pouted.


Running over to the table, you nearly crashed into Bertolt and Reiner as you jumped between the pair, grabbing your plate of food hiding by Eren.

"I'm so hungry." You whined.

Digging into your food, you blanked everyone around you until all that was left was a bit of bread.

"Damn, I've never seen you eat so fast." Jean laughed.

"I was hungry!"

"I'm hungry too..." Sasha pouted.

"You've just eaten!" Connie yelled.

While they fought Sasha about how much she could eat, you quietly slipped out and headed to the door, hand reaching the handle.


Turning around, you found Eren, Mikasa and Armin all stood behind you.

"What's up Armin?" You asked.

"W.. well... I know you've been calm lately.. but I think I found a way to help you with your anger..."

You tilted your head a little, opening the door, gesturing them to follow which they did.

"What is it?"

"Meditation, I read it's good for keep yourself calm."

"Meditation? How the hell does that work?"

Armin laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head.

"It's.. it's hard to explain... you sit down... close your eyes and focus on clearing your head..."


"I'm sorry! I just thought you might want to try it!" He quickly apologised.

Giving him a grin, you shook your head.

"No, it's okay. I'll try it."

"Great! We can try now if you want?"

You shrugged, sitting on the grass behind the stables.

"Sure, what could go wrong?" You laughed

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