Chapter 33

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It felt like years when you finally woke up, your body was heavy, and you still ached all over, but when your eyes fluttered open you felt relief.

You tried to sit up, but you quickly hissed in pain, laying yourself back down.

"Shit..." you rasped.

Eyes glancing around the room, it was clean. Unholy clean, as if someone came by like five times a day just to clean it. Everything was in place, the only thing that wasn't was the chair next to your bed, a book place atop of it with a cup of tea on the side table.

You could hear voices in the hall, but you couldn't place them.

Lifting your arm up, it felt like dead weight, but you carried on, holding it upwards. Your arm was bandaged, but your wrist was viable, showing the seal off clearly.

'Otis?' You asked.

'So you awake. It's good to see you're finally responsive.'

'How long has it been?'

'I'm not entirely sure, a good while I suppose. Many people have come to see you.'

'There's people in the hallway.'

"Yes, they're coming in now.'

Flicking your eyes to the door, you watched it open and in stepped Levi followed by a doctor. They both stopped in their tracks and the doctor rushed over.

"You're awake! It's been nearly two months!"

"That long... huh...'

"Are you able to sit up for me?" He asked.

You shook your head, and he walked over, slowly helping you up. It hurt, but not as bad as it did on your own.

"You where in a horrible state when you came in, but you seem to be healing up nicely. I'll check you over and get you a drink."

You nodded your head, silently letting the man check you over before he noted some things down and left.

Your eyes connected with Levi's from across the room, you watched as he wordlessly came over to your bed, standing in front of you.


Levi clicked his tongue and flicked your forehead making you pout.

"That hurts..."

"You're an idiot..." he grumbled.

Levi sighed, and grabbed the back of your head, he pressed his forehead and closed his eyes while you sat there with yours wide open.

"Never do that again brat."

You never said a word, you just sat there stunned. Once the shock was over, you let your eyes slip shut, a small smile on your face.

"No promises."

Levi huffed and pulled away, moving the book to take a seat on the chair, just as the doctor returned with a glass of water before leaving again.

You quickly downed the glass and leant back.

"Have you been here the whole time?"

Levi didn't reply, he was reading from his book and you smiled softly, eyes locked on him before your turnt away.

"Hey, ignorant."


"Thank you."

Levi rose a brow.

"For staying here with me. It's nice knowing that someone cares."

"Tsk, whatever."

You laughed and shook your head a little, shuffling back down in the bed to rest.

That's how it went for another week, just resting until you were finally discharged.

You were led by Levi into a carriage and with some help you climbed in, while he climbed in with you and the pair of you set off.

It was silent for the most part, besides your odd comments here and there, but it was nice.

You couldn't deny it, since the day you went off to start your training, you'd grown close with the cold man in front of you.

Somewhere along the way, you'd even grown feelings for him, and part of you wondered if he felt the same

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