Chapter 34

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Levi glanced at you as you gazed out the window.

He never noticed it before, but as he focused all his attention on you, he could see a few faint scars that scattered you face and neck, they were small, hardly noticeable. Yet, to his Eagle eye, he could only just see them.

Even on your arm there were small scars here and there, not many, but still some there.

He noticed other things as well over time, the way you'd some times crinkle you nose when deep in thought, as if you didn't like them. The way your eyes seemed to light up just a fraction when you were happy, and how they instantly darkened if you were angry. The way your smile just barely reached your eyes sometimes, and other times it was as bright as the sun.

Feeling his face flush as he thought about you, Levi quickly whipped his head away from you just as you looked over.

You saw the redness of his face and rose a brow, leaning forward a little.

"You okay?" You asked.

Levi cleared his throat before talking.


"You sure? You look a bit red, maybe you have a fever."

You reached out to touch his head, but he was quicker. Levi grabbed your wrist in place and locked eyes with you, his expression never changing.

"I said I'm fine."

"Whatever, you get sick I won't take care of you." You snickered.

Levi tolled his eyes and slowly let go of your wrist, putting his hand back in his lap.

"I wouldn't ask you to."

"I'd make a great nurse." You muttered to yourself.

Levi snorted and you glared at him a little.

"Hey, I would!"

"You also end up in the medical ward every other week. You wouldn't."

"Well, way to crush my dreams."

You pretended to wipe your eyes as if you were crying, but Levi saw your grin.

"You've got stupid dreams."

"I bet you dream of being taller."

Levi's brow twitched, he half glared at you and you gave him a sweet smile before turning back to look out the window of the carriage.

Levi sighed and shook his head a little bit, turning his attention outside.

You grated his nerves, got on every last one of them, yet, at the same time you seemed to make him feel warm, and a little less angry.

He wondered what the feeling was, and he wondered if you felt it too.

He quickly shook them thoughts out his head, but they quickly returned.

While thinking, he wasn't paying attention to you, but then he noticed how quiet you were being.

"Oi." He said looking at you.

He stopped, you were laid down, arm tucked under your head, lips slightly parted, your chest rose and fell with even breaths.

You'd fallen asleep.

You never looked so peaceful, your face was neutral, there was no crinkle in your brow, or swirling emotions in your eyes to be seen.

You were at peace, fast asleep.

"Tsk... idiot.." he muttered.

Grabbing your discarded scouts cloak from the floor, Levi draped it over your body and looked at you again.

With another click of his tongue, Levi stripped his off, folded it up neatly and knelt in front of you.

With one hand, he carefully lifted your head, with the other he placed it under and slowly set you back down again.

You stirred a little, making a small noise as you did.

Levi held his breath, thinking you were waking up, but then you went quiet again. Though your lips were forming soundless words that he couldn't make out.

Reaching out, Levi felt compelled to touch your face, his finger ghosted over a few of your smaller scars before he snapped out of it.

Quickly he sat back in his seat and faced away from you.

"Sasha... that's my potato..." you mumbled.

Levi nearly chocked in air, he whipped his head towards you.

"What the fuck does she dream about...?" He whispered to himself.

You were a hard person to get to know, at first you seemed reckless, angry, dangerous.

But as time went by Levi saw other side of you, determination, protectiveness, kind, happy, sad, scared.

He wanted to see every side of you, the ones he'd already seen and he ones he hadn't seen yet, Levi wanted to know all there was about you because...

.... because he had fallen for you, you were his anchor as much as he was yours...

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