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"Good now tell us what's been going on witchu

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"Good now tell us what's been going on witchu." Odell said.

oh shit...

"What you mean?" I asked playing dumb.

I know I slipped up and said something I shouldn't have when I yelled at them last week.

"When you yelled at us you said we don't even know half the shit you've been through since we've been gone." Odell said quoting me.

"That shit been eating at us since you said it. We wanna know wassup." He said.

It's now or never..

"Alright. Last week before y'all left for the fight I lied." I said.

"About?" He asked.

"The nigga that I was talking to in the yard was my ex.." I said.

"Who? That Tyrell nigga?" Odell asked.

"Yes him.." I said.

"Hell he doing down here?" Odell asked.

"Who the hell is Tyrell? He sound like a bitch." Duke said.

"He's my ex. I dated him in high school and we broke up before my senior year.." I said.

"Why y'all break up?" Lucas asked.

I gave him a look because I still had an attitude towards him.

"Can we talk about this somewhere private like I don't know your apartment?" I asked being sarcastic.

"Yeah. Let's go." Odell said.
We made it back to the apartment and they all surrounded me in the living room.

"So why'd y'all break up?" Duke asked.

I guess now is better than any other time to tell them the truth. The whole truth.

"Okay before I finish telling you what happened this weekend, I have something to tell you three." I said pointing to Luke, Ryan, and Duke.

"It's real personal and Odell already knows. I don't want y'all judging me because it's in the past." I said.

"We listening bae." Duke said.

I smirked at him a little bit.

"Aight some shit happened to me in high school that made me become depressed. I confided in my boyfriend at the time, Tyrell, and he pushed me to drugs. He was a drug dealer at the time so he had an unlimited supply of whatever." I said.

"He told me it would help with my emotions and I would feel better. At the time I thought he was right until I overdosed on accident one day..." I said.

"I was home alone when it happened but my mom conveniently just happened to get off work early that day. She took me to the hospital and that's when they told her I overdosed. I thought I was gonna die." I said.

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