Chapter 6

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Everything was dark. He could see nothing around him, not even a single ray of light, not even the faint borders of furnitures that could be seen when the lights are turned off.

It feels so real though. He could almost visualize his feelings. His sense of touch was highly intensified as he waved his hand in the air in search of some solid object. The air dense with a certain humidity around him because of the recent downpours.

But he heard a voice. No... He heard that voice he missed so much that he felt warm tears slide down his cheeks.

“Taehyung-ah why are you crying?” he felt warm hands gently wipe his tears.

“I don’t know hyung. I feel like it has been years since I heard your voice.” he sniffled and felt warmth envelop him as the other’s hands wraped him in a hug.

“Hey you know that hyung will never leave you. Don’t cry now. Seeing you cry hurts my heart.”

“Hyung” he pulled apart and placed his hand against the other’s cheek, feeling each and every curve of his face. Trying to picture how he looked by his features.

“Hyung I can tell that you are handsome” a wide grin spread across his face.

“Isn’t this a self praise?” came an amused tone from his brother “we are identical twins afterall”

“Ah hyung I’m just saying you are handsome” he playfully slapped his brother’s arm.

“Taehyung! Taeyeon! Come on let’s go!” Father’s voice was heard from the outside as Taeyeon’s arm folded on his elbow, leading him outside towards the car parked before their home.

“Go on. Get your brother inside, Taeyeon.” His mom’s voice called from beside him. He felt himself being directed inside the car by a gentle push from his brother.

They were the brats of the town and Taehyung was the biggest brat among the both.

He had no idea why he did that, maybe the thought of a little prank to gift a scolding from his dad to his brother or just for the spark of excitement.

He felt the edges of the seat belt buckle that wraped around his twin and silently loosened it without anyone noticing. Even his brother was busy hyping towards the loud music that boomed inside the car.

He never knew a small playful act will be his first biggest mistake until a sharp turn, a slip and a screech resonated in his surroundings. He felt his body become weightless as he rose up along with the car that rolled down the slippery roads.

Warm liquid dribbled down his arm from the sharp object that now lodged in between the tendons of his muscles.

“T-Tae” a familiar hoarse voice laced with pain sounded beside him making his arm stretch out groggily despite the pain flaring from his wound. But what he felt made his insides twist and turn. The feeling of warm liquid pouring down to settle in a pool now sticking to his fingers as he fiddled with the brown locks of his twin drawned in horror inside his head.

He has never felt inferior with his blindness, he always embraced that trait of him. But now he loathed the complete darkness that he dwelled in as he failed to see what actually happened around him. He loathed himself for pulling the seatbelt of his twin free that led to god-knows-what.

The ringing in his ears got worse along with the throb in his head. He felt his own blood sticking to his sleeve as he moved his wounded arm to feel the boy beside him.

Despite the fight he put up, he felt himself drift into darkness, still confined in his own seatbelt. The painful screams of his brother resonated in his ears.

He woke up from his dream- no, his nightmare to be specific- as he gasped for air. The faint light that now reached his eyes felt so strange. His shirt was sticking to his torso, soaked completely with his sweat.

The cold hit his face making himself aware of the tears that were now streaming down his face.

He has lost count of the times he had this dream, his heartbeat never failing to echo in his ears. He has never hated his sense of vision more than he does now. He misses the way he felt his brother’s features with his hands, it feels too strange to see their picture with eyes, the light being reflected to his retina perfectly. It just... doesn’t feel right to see his face after all the times he had felt it.

If only he hadn’t loosened his brother’s seatbelt- things would have been different. His brother would not have been thrown around inside the car. His brother would not have been broken to pieces.

“You brother is still living through your eyes” They say. But no. His eyes are haunting him. His mind always took him back to that day without fail again and again and again.


“W-Why are you doing this to me?” Yeon Seok flinched as he felt the man’s finger draw circles on his back. His body was too sore from all the countless times he was fucked by this man.

It was absurd to think about how normal his life was before this. How he would grab a drink with his friends any time he wants- all those times he slacked off and just enjoyed his days seemed too distant now.

He flinched as he felt the other male laying behind him placed kisses down his back.

“I have already told you not to talk.” Yeon Seok winced as he felt the skin of his shoulder being bitten and sucked, adding another mark.

“I don’t want to hear your disgusting voice. It sounds nothing like him.”

“Hmm, should I just cut your tongue off?” He hummed against his skin making him stiffen.

“It will be over soon. Very soon” the man said.

How many days has it been? It felt like time flew fast here. When was the last time he ate something? What was the taste of water again? Is the drug striving him off his hunger? Because he can’t even feel his stomach now.

He doesn’t care anymore, as long as the drug keeps him a little bit away from the cruel reality.

He felt the weight behind him lessen as the man got up and stretched.

“So.. it was really nice getting to know you Yeon Seok. I hope you sleep well from now.”

The boy's mind was jammed for the words to make sense. But soon his eyes widened as the man grabbed another injection with a considerably large amount of liquid in it than the ones before.


Sorry for not updating for soooo long. I was not feeling well. And sooo sorry if this chap was boring... Gotta keep the flow of the story🤗

Taekook will meet soon don’t worry, just another incident to complete and then we will get some.... fluff?

Btw I wrote a Taekook oneshot too, you can check it out in my profile. (Special mention SwethasriTaetae for making me write it in detail😉) Requests are open. You can contact me through message or by comments too💜

P.S I love reading a lil bit of fluff but WHY can’t I write it!!! I’ll try to though😅


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