Chapter One

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Luna frowned slightly, fixing a dress her sister ruined. "Sorry"Sunny giggled rubbing the back of her head. "How do you want your noodles"Sunny asked. "Cold..."Luna replied. "Geez for the white ranger your creepy with the noodles..."Sunny frowned. "I like things's my element also..."Luna replied finishing the torn dress. "It's done anyway, come eat"Sunny says turning away. Luna followed her little sister, rubbing the back of her neck. "Hey Frosty"Luna smiled looking at her snow leopard zord. It unfolded, and romped around playing. Sunny roared at the little zord, then giggled letting it play with her hand. "How come you gave it a name?"Sunny asked. "He's a he..not an it..."Luna corrected.

"Your so weird"Sunny grinned amused. "How come you gave him a name"Sunny says. "I like naming things mom gives me..."Luna replied. "But...Dad was the former white ranger..."Sunny says. "Don't mention him, he abandoned mom and got himself killed..."Luna says. "Mom got sick...and died..."Sunny muttered. "And I'm emotionless..."Luna adds. "This family is broken..."Sunny muttered. "We're also running low on money"Luna adds sighing deeply. She roared at Frosty, the little zord taking playful swipes at her. "Your the last thing I have left"Luna says smiling slightly. "Time for me to head to school"Luna sighed as Frosty folded up again. She placed him into her backpack.

"Keep the door locked, let nobody in"Luna ordered. Sunny nodded and locked the door behind Luna as she left. Luna put her helmet on, starting her motorcycle up. She grinned slightly, riding down the street. She did a sharp turn, a large grin on her face. "Hey Officer Roger"Luna waved slowing down. She slowed to a stop, smiling at the cop. "Need me to watch Sunny today"Roger asked. "Yes please"Luna nodded smiling. He nodded fixing his hat, then stepped closer to his mouth was right next to her ear. "How's your training coming along"Roger asked. "Better kicked a group of moogers butts yesterday"Luna grinned.

"How many were here"Roger grinned. "Fifty"Luna responds. "Nice job"Roger grinned gently punching her arm. "Be careful okay, remember call me if you need me"Roger nodded. She waved to him, riding away towards school. "I swear, I don't know why I even bother with this..."Luna mutters stopping at the school. "I told you to stop driving that motorcycle"Steffie chuckled smiling. "Hey Lu..."Megan waved quietly. "Luna!"Peaches beamed running over to her. "Hey Peach"Luna waved hugging her bestest friend. Katie beamed walking over to them. "Hey Lu!"Katie smiled. "Hey Kat"Luna greeted. She hugged Katie, one of her other closets friends.

These were her girls, her best friends, The Brat Pack, the most popular kids in school. She walked in the lead, heading into the school. Steffie came up beside her, and put a lily flower in Luna's right ear. The whole brat pack wore their respective flowers, hers were Lily's, Steffie's was lilacs, Peaches wore hibiscus flowers, Megan wore lavender flowers, and lastly Kathie wore Dahila flowers. "I'm so darn tired"Luna groaned rubbing her eyes. "Fighting moogers last night wasn't good for ya"Peaches chuckled patting her shoulder. "In the middle of the darn night too, luckily the rangers appeared and I could leave"Luna grumbled. "But I think their on to me"Luna sighed.

"Girl don't tell me they saw you!"Steffie frowned. "The red one did"Luna yawned. "I hope it was only one of them"Steffie snorted. Luna headed to class, looking down at her phone silently. "Gym today"Megan says. "Ugh I hate gym, makes my hair get all messed up"Steffie complained sighing. "We're playing dodgeball"Luna adds scrolling through her phone. "Lu a bit of advice, if you don't want the rangers to find you...stop wearing white clothes"Steffie frowned giving her a look. "I like wearing white clothes, it stands for Yang..."Luna responds looking at her best friend. "But it'll get you caught"Steffie frowned. "I'm faster then the rangers, they won't be able to catch me"Luna grinned amused.

"If they come after you, I'll say I told you so"Steffie snorted unamused by the cheeky grin Luna was giving her. She perked up, noticing Lucifer staring at her. "You need something Lucifer"Luna demanded looking irritated. He looked away quickly, alarmed that she noticed him. "Yo!"Luna greeted walking into gym class. Students parted as the five walked towards the middle, where they always stand. "I'm gonna skip in the girls locker room"Luna muttered beckoning to her friends. They followed her, walking into the locker room. Luna sat on a bench, looking down at her photo "Luna, honey you gotta go"Steffie says pointing outside. "I'll be back"Luna sighed running off out the back door.

She took out her samuraizer, writing her symbol, as she ran towards the Moogers. "Hey Jerks! Pick on someone your own"Luna grinned sitting on a stone wall. She yawned, stretching, as she stood up. "You guys are ruining my day, so can you guys just give up and go home"Luna continued chuckling as she stepped closer to them. The Moogers looked at each other, making her sigh. "Then we're gonna have to do this the hard way..."Luna says unsheathing her sword. She ran forward, making the first move, and spun the disc on her sword. "Hope your having an axe time"Luna grinned slashing Moogers down with her axe.

She tossed her axe up, and did a cartwheel backwards, kicking a Mooger back. She caught her axe, stepping on a Moogers chest, putting herself behind him. "Hey give me a second"Luna says taking a deep breath in then out. "Okay I'm ready, let me finish kicking your butts!"Luna smiled. She slashed the Moogers down, taking them out without any effort. She stood in the middle of the Moogers, then started walking away, but a colorful pair of rangers arrived. "Hey she's back"The pink ranger says clearly surprised. "You guys are pretty slow"Luna called. The red ranger walked closer, stopping at least six feet away from her. "Who are you..."the red ranger asked.

"I'll tell you that when the time comes..."Luna replied. She turned sheathing her sword, as she ran off. She leaped up onto a lamp post, looking back at the rangers. "I always keep my promises, so when I say I'll reveal myself, I'll do that!"Luna called. She leaped away, landing behind the wall. The morphed back to her normal self, looking back to make sure the rangers were leaving, then grabbed her backpack running away quickly. "Be lucky I held the door open for you"Steffie grinned standing there with the gym exit door open. "Thanks"Luna smiled walking past her friend, looking amused. She and Steffie stayed in the locker rooms, with the other girls, doing their own thing and cracking jokes.

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