4. The Announcment

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8th October 1998

Almost a month had passed, and this year seemed to be the most normal year yet. Malfoy and I hadn't had much communication since the train ride except for the odd shouting match across the Great Hall or silent hexes in the corridor or random awkward smiles and eye contact. Neville had already been called to McGonagall's office in reference to taking on a permanent job at Hogwarts when Professor Sprout retired at the end of the year which he had immediately accepted and is very excited about. I haven't heard from Hermione and Ron since a week after the Sorting Ceremony when they just filled me in on what was happening outside of Hogwarts. Dean and Seamus seemed happier than ever and almost everyone supported them, the only exception being three second year Gryffindor girls, but we reckon they just have a crush on them!
When I sat down for breakfast, only a few other Ravenclaws were in there. It was calm until the Git came storming in, walking towards me, cloak flowing behind him, almost giving Snape a run for his money. Malfoy plonked down elegantly on the bench opposite me. He slid a piece of paper across the table before getting up, turning on his heel and walking further down the 8th year table. He grabbed an apple and left the great hall. I opened the note:

I know your secret. D.M.

I was panicking, how did he know. I felt my breathing increase and my thoughts whirled in my head until I couldn't take it anymore. I walked out of the Great Hall, heading out into the courtyard. I passed Malfoy who was walking back to the Great Hall followed by Blaise and Pansy. He smirked at me and walked off. I sat down under a tree and wondered; how did Malfoy of all people work out I was Bi?

After reading a group of my fourth year's essays, I decided that my student have an especially good way with words. Therefore, I decided to host a story writing competition. This morning at breakfast I stood up and cleared my voice.

"Please may I have your attention"

In walked Mr Malfoy and his friends. Mr Malfoy looked smug; I wonder what happened. I noticed Harry wasn't here either. I'll have to check on him after.

"In order to bring the school together, I have decided to host a story writing competition. It can be about anything you want; you have full control. Your fellow students will be the judges so write something that will appeal to people of your own age. If you enter, write your story by the fifth of November, and put it in the box outside of my office. There, it will be cursed in order to mean that anyone can read it at any time. Just select the book name off the board in your House Common rooms and you will have a copy by that evening. All authors will remain anonymous unless specified. the book with the most reads will win. That's all from me, get those creative juices flowing! Thank you."

I sat back down as a murmur broke out across the hall. Voices from all houses could be heard, one stuck out across the rest,
"Well what could be worse than writing a story in you spare time?" I shook my head. Of course, Mr Malfoy would have something to say! After breakfast I checked in on Harry who said he just had a headache and was okay now. I traipsed across the school to my classroom, rather proud of myself.

I didn't really know Potter's secret, I just passed that message to him to see how he would react. Now, I know he truly is hiding something, he looked to panicked and so I made it my mission to work it out.
I sat in the Great Hall as McGonagall announced some kind of story competition. When she finished, I turned to Pansy,
"Well what could be worse than writing a story in you spare time?" I rolled my eyes.
"So I take it you won't be writing about anything or anyone in particular then are you!" Blaise said.
"What so you take me for, some saddo who has no social life?"

I arrived back to my room after class only to see my mother's owl sitting on my desk. I open the letter.

My darling son,
How are you doing? How are Pansy and Blaise, have you invited them over for Christmas this year? Your father isn't here, and I believe it is a good idea!
I met up with my cousin Sirius again and his husband came along. I did not realise Remus Lupin was your professor in third year, why did you not tell me? It was really nice to visit them and to see what they have done with Aunt Walburga's old house. It looks more modern now, I can see exactly why Harry Potter decided to live with them instead of living on his own. How is Potter this year, you have barely mentioned him in your messages this year!
I hope your grades are doing fine and no one is giving you a tough time- though I bet you can give them a piece of your mind!
Love keep safe,
Mother x

Having replied to my mother, I sat on my bed contemplating my life. I'm so lucky with my sentencing, only getting my wand limited and having to help rebuild Hogwarts. My Mother got house arrest and my Father lost half of his wealth, three of our houses and house arrest. They both got their wands snapped and Apparition licences taken away. Mother picked up baking and we learnt to make cookies, which my Father seemed to thoroughly enjoy! I sat up and saw a glimpse of myself in the mirror: I looked tired now but almost healthy, basically not like 6th year. I finally grew into my sharp features and elongated further, now standing an inch taller or so then I did during the war. The nightmares come and go every few nights, I wake myself up shaking and crying, pleading for mercy, or sweating and heavily breathing. Pansy says they will get better as time passes; they are just "fresh events" in my mind. She doesn't know what she's on about half the time but that actually made sense! I turned away from the mirror and laid down in my bed, completely unaware of the incident that would occur tomorrow.

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