15. Epilogue

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24th December 2001

"You ready to go love?" Harry called from the living room in our living quarters. After we graduated, we decided to become teachers at Hogwarts, Harry as the DADA teacher and the Gryffindor Head of House, and myself as the new potions teacher and Head of Slytherin.
"Yep hold on!" I grab my long weekend suitcase and walk out of our bedroom. Harry is standing at the door holding a small bag. He extends his hand and I take it. We walk out of our room hand in hand, leaving the castle and walking down to Hogsmeade in order to side along to Sirius and Remus' house where we are celebrating Christmas this year.
"Do you remember our first date in Hogsmeade?" Harry asks suddenly.
"Of course I do silly! Why wouldn't I, it was the best memory I had for years. It's the memory I use for my Patronus." I smile and Harry nods.


25th December 2001

I wake up to Harry kissing me. I smile and kiss back until we have to pull away for breath.
"Merry Christmas Love!" Harry whispers in my ear before pulling on my hand, forcing me to get up, and dragging us down the stairs where Sirius and Remus are sitting alongside Ron, Hermione and Rose, Ginny and Luna, Neville and Blaise, the Twins (both alive and with their own respective families) and finally Molly and Arthur. Charlie was in Romania again for Christmas, Molly wasn't too happy, but he said he'd be back for New Year. Bill was visiting Fleur's family in France with their children. We take a seat on the sofa besides one of the Weasley twins (I think it was Fred). We begin to open presents. Molly knitted 15 different jumpers for people in the living room alone, plus the five other jumpers she sent to the others. We all put them on over our pyjamas. I got Harry a book he saw in Hogsmeade that he wanted and some quidditch things he wanted. He took over coaching the next generation of seekers and needed to make sure his broom was up to scratch. He got me a rare set of potions ingredients that I wanted in order to continue with my experimenting.

Once all the gifts were open, we all started to get up to move onto the dining room, but Harry kept hold of my wrist and waited for everyone to leave. Then he stood up, shut the door, and pulled me off the sofa. We walked towards the fireplace and the large Christmas tree. I looked at him confused until he spoke up,
"Draco, the love of my life. I have loved you for longer then I think I ever knew. Yes, maybe you were a git to begin with and we've had our disagreements but look at us now. And all it took was a moment of madness on your behalf after I came out to the school. 'Harry Potter x Reader', possible the weirdest thing I've ever read about myself" I chuckle "But also one of the most important pieces of text I've read because without it, we wouldn't be where we are now. Looking back now, giving you that second chance was the best decision I've ever made. Until now. You made my life perfect. After the war I was sure I would never find happiness again. I was sure no one would want me for who I am, but I was wrong, because you do. You came in and literally stole my heart without me realising it until it was too late, and by then I had taken yours! You were one of the few people who looked at me as human, not the Chosen One. Because of you, I smiled again. I can't imagine my life without you beside me which is why I made the decision to do this..."
Harry dropped onto one knee and my hand flew to my mouth muffling a sob. He let go off my hands to reach into his pocket and take out a small red velvet box, opening it to show a gorgeous ring with two emeralds surrounding a diamond on a silver band. By this point I was full on sobbing, Harry's eyes were watering.
"Draco Malfoy, will you marry me?" He asks through tears.
"Yes!" I say through tears. I see Harry smile,
"Really?" He says almost disbelieving.
"Yes, Yes, Yes, yes of course I'll marry you idiot!" He breathes a sigh of relief taking the ring out of the box and sliding it up my finger.

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