Chapter 2

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'We have already set up a schedule for the month. Sorry, but there are no available shifts that you can take,' Melanie says, looking at me with shitty regret. I hate it. If she'd taken some effort, she could have found a couple of shifts next week, but...

'It's OK, I understand,' I say with a tight smile. Tight is a keyword here. Judging by Mel's wrinkled face, I didn't say anything special.

I leave the boss's office in a terrible mood. I was refused a bank loan, there are no free shifts in the restaurant, and my friends do not have enough money. It's a matter of fact that I am up to my eyeballs in shit, and I have no idea how to get out of this stinky substance. Should I go to Sicily and ask a mafia boss to lend me some money?

Even smiling moneybags in the hall do not put me in a better mood. They don't tip much, just a few pounds, and I would hardly get about fifty pounds by the middle of the shift. I feel terrible until a familiar face appears in the doorway.

Damn it! What the hell is she doing here? She's looking gorgeous – a luxury fur jacket, high heel boots, and a tiny Chanel purse. A successful man in an expensive suit accompanies her. They walk arm-in-arm to a reserved table not far from the service area.

Damn Alice Lasky! My personal headache from high school. What if she sees me? I remember her teasing me for accidentally stepping on a piece of shit, and now she's going to make fun of me for my white apron and floor-length skirt, not to mention my signature hairstyle.

'Could you wait on that table?' I ask Susan, the only person I can count on in the restaurant, as she passes by.

'Your acquaintances?'

'That's not the word for it.'

I go to the service area to wait for the next customer. Thank God, she didn't seem to notice me. The shift runs smoothly, although I occasionally glance at my former classmate and stay away of the table to avoid being seen. I hope they leave soon, since I don't want any problems at my only well-paid job, but they will occur if Alice Lasky sees me in the waitress uniform.

However, this couple is in no hurry. They slowly look through the menu, stare at each other, and talk like good friends. At first glance, you cannot find any fault. They look like a perfect couple until you notice a ring on the man's finger and Alice's left foot in a patent-leather high heel boot that is neatly arranged between feet of her companion.

Well, that's not my business. Hell with it. I have to do my job.

I quickly integrate into the restaurant environment: I put on my customer-oriented smile, as required by etiquette, bring and take away dishes without any incidents, as my shift is gradually coming to an end. My legs are aching, just like always. I wish I could just go to bed and get some sleep. The longer the better. Sweet dreams.

'Guess what... A couple has had a bit of nooky in WC!' Susan says in the excited voice, drawing everyone's attention in the cramped staff room.

'Games of the rich. Another parody of the 'Fifty shades'?' Amanda asks, pulling her sweater on.

'You have no idea. The poor girl was barely alive. You know, that's a bit odd. They left a decent tip but had sex in the WC, as if there were no motels around. By the way, Lo, thanks for the table!' Susan waves a fan of currency. Three hundred pounds. Holy smokes! I should have wiped the slate clean and behaved like a professional.

'Look who's there, stinky Lo!' Alice shouts from behind the bushes. Are you going to have a shower when you get a boyfriend, or your Humbert will be all right with your stinky ass?'

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