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I walk around the quiet house looking for something to do. Jin and Yoongi are at an arcade I think celebrating finally being able to see each other again. Nyssa, I think she is taking a nap so I don't want to disturb her.

I walk into the studio and sit down at the desk. It's been so long since the last time I sat in this chair.

I sigh into the chair letting happy memories fill my head. While I was working Jimin would walk in and use my head as a rest. Wrapping his arms around my neck and his Chin on the top of my head.

He would just smile and watch me work, somehow it was comforting to have Jimin hang on me like that.

Sometimes Yoongi would come in here and sleep on the couch. The sounds of my working quite enough to let him sleep peacefully but loud enough so he knows that someone is in the room with him.

That's all he needed sometimes, a good nap around someone who loves him. Especially after one of his attacks.

I could always tell when he came to sleep in here after an attack. His head would be hanging low hair covering his eyes. His movements sluggish but quick trying to get where ever he is going without getting noticed as much as possible.

On the days he would come in for a normal nap I would just continue to work. But on the days he comes in after an attack I would go over to him and lay down on the couch with him.

I would always end up on the bottom with Yoongi wrapping his arms around my chest laying his head over my heart. I would wrap my arms around him making sure he is comfortable not really caring about my own comfort.

Yoongi normally isn't a very cuddly person. He loves his personal space but in times like this, it's hard to get away from him. One day we were all out eating at a restaurant and Yoongi hugged a random stranger because they said they are an ARMY.

Realization struck me. Yoongi was completely alone for seven whole years. It's a wonder how he did immediately suffocate Nyssa in a hug the second he realized she can see him.

I spin around in the chair looking over at the couch. I miss our secret cuddles.

Noticing a book that blends in the seat of the couch. I walk over to pick it up thinking I left one of my books out.

But I don't recognize it. It's a relatively small black leather book with a gray latch on one side to keep it closed.

 It's a relatively small black leather book with a gray latch on one side to keep it closed

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I open it up curious to see who's book this is. The first page is blank. I look through all the pages to see about half of them front and back with some kind of language I don't know written on it. I don't even recognize this language.

Could this be Nyssa's? I don't know much about her past. Maybe she knows three languages. Or Yoongi, he had plenty of time to learn a new language.

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