Chapter Six - Flashback & Tuesday (Come Wake Me Up)

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This was the super long chapter I was talking about. Because of your awesome feedback, I decided not to split it. It is over 3200 words long. I will update again on November 2nd, possibly sooner.


Boun's of Point View (Flashback – March 8th)

I can usually drink you right off of my mind
But I miss you tonight
I can normally push you right out of my heart
But I'm too tired to fight
Yeah, the whole thing begins
And I let you sink into my veins
And I feel the pain like it's new

I inhaled the smoky aroma just before the whiskey hit my taste buds; as I swallowed it, I felt the temporary burn in my throat and only for a moment it warmed the cold empty feeling inside. Most days are much easier to keep him off my mind, except for one day out of the year.

His birthday.

When this date would rear its tortuous head, in my younger days, I would skip school. During my university days, I wouldn't attend my classes. Once I started working, I designated it as a floating holiday or called in sick.

Everything that we were,
Everything that you said,
Everything that I did and that I couldn't do
Plays through tonight
Tonight, your memory burns like a fire
With every word it grows higher and higher
I can't get over it, I just can't put out this love

Here I was sitting down on my apartment floor with my back pressed up against the freezing concrete wall. No matter how hard I tried to keep it from happening, every single memory of the life I was once had with Prem would play in my head like a sick continuous loop.

Every year, on this day.

Each year became significantly harder for me without him by my side. I thought escaping to my parents' place would help, but when they told me Prem was stopping by to retrieve his birthday gift, I went ballistic. To them he's still family and it doesn't seem fair. I tried to leave, but he showed up, and parked right behind me.

I took it as a sign.

I thought to myself, maybe it was time.

It was time for me to take responsibility for hurting him, even though he hurt me first and far worse.

I stepped out of my car prepared to restore our relationship. It truly was my primary goal. But the moment, I saw the look of anger and defiance in his eyes, the of fear rejection, became difficult to ask for forgiveness. Instead I demanded for him to leave my parents place, and he lashed back out at me.

We argued for so long that my parents came out. My dad had to get in between us before our fists started flying. My car was in park but still running, fueled by anger and pain, I wasn't thinking straight, I jumped in, with the action to turn off my car, I hit the wrong gear, put my foot on the gas instead, and backed into Prem's car. It felt like I was in some horrible nightmare and needed to wake up. I couldn't believe what I just did.

I just sit in these flames and pray that you'll come back
Close my eyes tightly, hold on and hope that I'm dreaming
Come wake me up
Turn the TV up loud just to drown out your voice
But I can't forget
Now I'm all out of ideas
And baby I'm down to my last cigarette

Since I was still on my mom and dad's insurance, Prem didn't have the heart to file a claim against them. My parents offered to pay for his damages as well, but Prem's parents felt they should pay for his repairs, as they felt both our flaring tempers were to blame.

Hate That I Love You (BounPrem) ***COMPLETE***Where stories live. Discover now