Chapter 1 : The first Intro...

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Hi everyone this is my new story pls do support and give as much as love possible to it....
All characters are same as in the story.... But abhi doesn't know about Rhea loving Ranbir..

At Kohli's Mansion all were sitting together accept Alia and Rhea...

Pallavi : Vikram I think it's the age of Ranbir to get him married up...
Vikram : Yes pallavi I agree but whatever Dida will say that will be final....
Dida : See I have a girl in my eyes she is having values and manners she loves to spend time with elders and loves her family more than anything...
Pallavi : What's her name Dida???
Dida : Her name is PRACHI... I met her in the previous party of Alia and Purab's engagement celebration...
Abhi : I know that girl she is in my office and is a middle class girl...
Dida : Just leave Abhi puttar, we don't need to know her class for God all are the same..
Abhi : I agree Dida but how Did you know her so well??? I also know her I think she is the best mannered girl I have ever seen..
Dida Tells them....


Dida : Ouch, My foot...
Prachi : What happened Dadi?? Can I help you??
Dida : Puttar, My foot got slipped and I think the muscle has pulled up of my foot and it's paining very much...
Prachi : Come Dida , let me help you..
She took her in the room and twisted her foot a bit she got the first aid box and started to spray the muscle pull reliever...
Dida : Beta , I don't know you and you don't know me then why you helped me??
Prachi : Who said Dadi that we should only help those whom we know?? And you are so old I Love to spend the time with old people than anyone..
Dida : Beta you have so good manners...
Prachi : Dadi I believe that those are themselves good see goodness in everyone...
Dida : Thank you Beta But what's your name???
Prachi : Prachi!! And Dadi don't say thank you I see my Dadi in you and then I am your granddaughter na??
Dida : Nice prachi beta ,
Prachi : How are you feeling now??
Dida : Now I am so relieved that I can walk...
Prachi : Yes Dadi you can walk but slowly don't be in hurry...
Prachi left Leaving Dida smiling...


Pallavi : I want a girl like this only to be the wife of my son...
Vikram : Yes, abhi we have the address of every employee in our office na then we will go to her address and ask her mother about this...
Abhi : Sure...

At the college::

Prachi and Sahana were walking towards the college...

Prachi's foot slipped and she was about to fall when two strong arms caught her

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Prachi's foot slipped and she was about to fall when two strong arms caught her...
Ranbir : Hey Dear you should walk properly if you would fall then you would get hurt na??
They straighted themselves..
Prachi : Thanks for saving me...
Ranbir : Alright Dear...
Prachi passed a smile whereas Ranbir kept looking her from behind with Aryan next to him...

Prachi passed a smile whereas Ranbir kept looking her from behind with Aryan next to him

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