Molly & Female!Overweight!Reader (Platonic)

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Requested by: justabatbat

Warnings: none

Y/n was a distant relative of one of Mr. Weasley's work friends that had nowhere else to go so, she was going to stay with the Weasleys for Christmas. Though she originally rejected it, Mrs. Weasley was the one that had insisted. 

She even met Harry Potter. She was happy to talk to him and Molly had cooked up an amazing Christmas meal. Y/n was one of the first people to dig in and was eating happily. 

"Everything tasting good, dear?" Molly asked. 

"Yes! Everything is amazing!" Y/n's eyes sparkled happily. 

"Well, feel free to have as much as you'd like!" Molly sat down next to Y/n. 

Y/n nodded and stuffed her face full of different foods. All the while, she was making some small talk with Molly and chatted about their interests. The main thing they had in common was talking about food. 

"So, what is your favorite food?" Molly asks. 

"Hmm, I like a lot of stuff. But if I had to choose it would probably have to be... f/f!" Y/n answers. 

"Really? I like that too! I'll have to make some next time!" Molly grins. 

"What about yours?" Y/n questioned. 

"I have a lot of different favorites. It's hard to choose one." Molly sighed. 

"That's okay! Do you like baking?" Y/n adds. 

"Of course! I love making baked goods." Molly nods. 

"Me too! F/b/g (favorite baked good) would have to be my favorite." Y/n giggles. 

"Perhaps we could make some later." Molly suggests. 

Y/n then remembered something and frowned. 

"Is there something wrong?" Molly asks, noticing Y/n's sudden change of mood. 

"H-has anyone called you... obese?" Y/n lowers her head almost shamefully at asking the question. 

"Oh, dear. Your body is beautiful the way it is. You shouldn't listen to what anyone says. You are not obese, or anything of the sort. You are just right. I have been called that before, but don't let them get to you." Molly hugs Y/n in a friendly manor. 

"Th-thank you. I just don't know if I should try to change..." Y/n smiled sadly. 

"No! Never change for others! You should only change for yourself! If you want to change something then that is okay. But never, and I mean ever change yourself so that others can give you their fake approval. It's not worth it." Molly reassures. 

Y/n hugged Molly and gripped her shirt tightly. 

Molly then held out a cupcake for Y/n and it was her favorite flavor. 

Y/n smiled softly and took the cupcake and wiped her eyes. 

"No matter what you look like or how you act, never change for anyone else. You should be happy to just be yourself. It will make you feel better too. You'd be honest with yourself as well." Molly patted Y/n's back. 

"Thank you so much, Molly." Y/n sighed happily. 

"No problem, dear. Now, let's get started on that f/b/g!" Molly decides. 

"Okay! Let's do it!" Y/n agreed. 

Authors note: 

I hope that was okay. Just remember guys, don't ever change for anyone else but yourself. You are all beautiful/handsome/amazing people. And if anyone tries to tell you what you can or can't be, then don't let them in your life. You don't need that negativity. Thanks for reading! 


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