Chapter 5- Asher Angel

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Romeo woke up in his bed early Wednesday morning. He stretched out his arms, yawned, and walked to the bathroom. He fished his cock out and began to take a piss.
Romeo's ass ached. He thought back to yesterday's events. Carson Lueders had abused him and used him like a cock whore, but for some odd reason, he liked it. He liked how the older boy had been so dominate and just used Romeo like a piece of meat.
'Maybe I am a bit of a slut' Romeo thought to himself. In the last three days he had hooked up with five different boys. 'That does seem a little slutty' he laughed to himself. But Romeo didn't care. He was enjoying himself and that's all that mattered.
After Romeo had left the public changing room yesterday, he looked towards the beach and saw Carson was back with his friends. He was laughing and carrying on like nothing had even happened. Carson didn't even notice as Romeo limped off the beach back to his mansion.
Once Romeo had gotten back to the house, he spent the rest of the day playing video games. It was a long day and Romeo deserved some time to just relax by himself.
Today however, he had an event to go to. He was going to a movie premiere. Romeo wasn't the guest of honor or anything, so he wouldn't be walking the red carpet. I mean, he wasn't with his dad. But Romeo was lucky enough to have a seat in the audience, and that was enough for him.
The premiere was for some dumb animated kids movie with a lot of famous people doing the voice acting, like The Rock and Kevin Hart.
Romeo finished his piss, shoved his flaccid cock back into his shorts, and laid back down on the king sized bed. He drifted off back to sleep for a few more hours.
When he woke back up, Romeo went downstairs and ate some lunch. After he laid on the pool deck for a while just enjoying the hot sun on his skin. As the sun began to set, Romeo checked his phone and saw that it was time for him to get ready.
Romeo wore a simple black tuxedo with a black bow tie. He wanted to keep it simple, but he still looked super sleek and amazing.
Romeo went down to the front door where his driver was patiently waiting for him. Romeo hopped in the car and was off to the theatre. It only took about fifteen minutes until they arrived. They got there a little bit early, which is exactly what Romeo wanted. He wanted to avoid the paparazzi plus get a good seat. Romeo's idea worked. There were no cameras to be seen when Romeo exited the vehicle, and the seats were all empty. Romeo grabbed a seat near the top of the theatre.
On the screen was a live feed of the red carpet, so Romeo could watch as the other celebrities arrived. As Romeo was waiting he pulled out his phone and checked Instagram, where he saw he had some new messages.
The first message he saw was from Max Mills. It was from Monday after the concert.

Where are you?

It occurred to Romeo that he had totally blown off the twins after their show. He instead had gone back to the mansion with Johnny. Romeo didn't reply because he didn't want to hurt the twins feelings.
The next messages were from Johnny Orlando himself. It was a few shirtless selfies and a video of him stroking his five inch cock. The message read:

Hope to do that again sometime Daddy ;)

The pictures and video made Romeo get a boner. He used his hand to push it down.
The last message was from Carson Lueders. It had a time stamp from 11 PM last night. It said:

Thanks for letting me use your tight ass. HMU if you ever need fucked again 😋

Attached to the message was a photo of Carson's 8 inch monster cock. Romeo licked his lips. He was getting so horny. He had to put his phone down so that the urge to jerk off would go away.

Romeo waited in his seat for around an hour as the carpet was laid out and the media began to arrive. In no time, celebrities were showing up in stretch limos and making their way into the venue.
Romeo watched The Rock, Amy Adams, and Kevin Hart all make their way into the theatre. They took a lot of pictures and did a bunch of interviews. Romeo was glad that he got out of having to do all that.
Soon a white limo appeared on the screen. When the door opened, one of the most beautiful boys he had ever seen stepped out. Romeo knew exactly who this star was, it was Asher Angel. The teen flashed a smile as he exited the vehicle. He was so charismatic, people (especially girls) just flocked to him. Romeo's boner started to return.
But that stopped once Asher turned around and held his hand out to help somebody else exit the limo. The person was Annie Leblanc, who Romeo recognized as Asher's girlfriend. Romeo was jealous of the girl, she got to spend so much time with Asher.
Asher and Annie made their way down the red carpet looking like a perfect couple, posing for the media and laughing.
Romeo saw them when they finally entered the theatre. They took a seat farther down, but still pretty close to Romeo.
Soon the lights went down and the movie began. The film was pretty enjoyable, but Romeo spent more time looking at the back of Asher's head rather than watching the screen. He almost threw up in his mouth every time Asher leaned over to kiss his girlfriend. Romeo wished that he was the one receiving Asher's kisses.
Once the movie was over, Romeo went to call his driver, but he wasn't getting any service for some reason. He went outside where he finally got enough bars to make a call. Romeo called his driver, who said he would be there in ten minutes, and sat down on a bench.
"Romeo Beckham?" Somebody yelled from a good distance away.
Romeo couldn't see who it was. "Who's there?" He called. Asher Angel stepped into view.
"Sorry dude." Asher said. "You're Romeo Beckham right?"
'Oh my God' thought Romeo, 'Asher Angel knows who I am!'
"Yeah that's me!" Romeo laughed. "And you are Asher Angel, if I'm not mistaken."
"I sure am." Asher smiled. "I saw you at the premiere. How'd you like the movie?"
"It was good!" Romeo replied.
"I thought so too! By the way, what are you doing back here all by yourself." Asked Asher.
"I'm just waiting for my ride home. For some reason I didn't have service in the theatre after the movie."
"Aren't you going to the after party?" Asher inquired.
"Not really my scene to be honest." Said Romeo. "How about you?"
"Me either. I told my girl that I wasn't feeling well. I seriously need a break from her." Chuckled Asher.
Romeo couldn't believe what had just come out of Asher's mouth. He always thought that they were such a perfect couple.
"I feel that." He finally said. "Alone time is always good."
"Well to be honest, I just want to hang out with a bro. Do you mind if I come over to your place?" Asher asked.
This boy was full of surprises.
"Sure! That would be fun!" Romeo said gleefully. "We just have to wait for my driver, you can ride with me."
The two boys sat on the bench and waited a few minutes until the driver had shown up. They entered the car and began to drive back to the Beckham mansion.
When they arrived, Romeo grabbed some more comfortable clothes for he and Asher to change into. Once they were both in shorts and t-shirts, they sat on the couch on their phones and checked their social medias.
"What do you wanna do?" Asked Asher.
"Well we can swim, play video games, order food, watch a movie, whatever you want dude." Romeo suggested.
"Let's play video games."
Romeo led Asher to the media room. He turned on the PlayStation and they began to play Fortnite. Romeo let his guest play first while he watched. Asher got eleventh place. Romeo was up next. He grabbed the controller from Asher. While Romeo was playing, out of the corner of his eye he saw Asher remove his shirt.
"Damn it's hot down here." Asher said.
It was most definitely not that hot, but Romeo was not complaining. Romeo used all his strength to stay focused on the game and not look at Asher's tan body.
For a split second he lost control, and looked over at Asher while he was supposed to be playing. It was just a quick glance, but Asher had already noticed.
Romeo got into the top five before someone sniped him, ending his turn. He handed the controller over to the shirtless Asher Angel.
As Asher began playing the next game, Romeo was staring at Asher's body. Asher didn't notice because he was too busy looking at the screen. Romeo admired Asher's defined biceps, perfect abs, and cute little nipples.
This time, Asher got seventh place, which was better than he did last game. He handed the controller back to Romeo. Romeo started his game, and in fifteen minutes he was in the top two. Asher pointed out the last enemy, and Romeo sniped him for the win!
"Nice shot Romeo!" Asher yelled.
"All thanks to you dude. Thanks for spotting him!"
"I got you bro!" Asher replied. But then the actor did something that Romeo was for sure never expecting. He leaned in for a kiss! Asher gave Romeo a kiss on the lips, which surprised Romeo, making him pull away.
Romeo couldn't believe it! Asher Angel had just kissed him! He has a girlfriend!
"Asher!" Romeo exclaimed.
"I'm sorry Romeo." Asher said. "You're just so cute, I couldn't help myself."
"But... But what about Annie?" Stuttered Romeo.
"I know." Asher said dejectedly. "Honestly, Annie just doesn't do it for me. All we have done is kiss because truthfully, I don't want to do anything more."
Then Asher said the golden words.
"I'm gay Romeo."

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