Chapter 6

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Took a bit of rummaging around dead bodies and rotting food, but the mercs eventually found their exit. It was unlike any of the other doors they gone through. For starters, it was much smaller and was located in the old boss's office. The thing was literally smothered with cobwebs and dust and didn't have any unique carvings on it even when dusted off.

Spy pushed open the door since it had no knob. Inside, it was like a black hole. Darkness seemed to swallow up everything in there. Sniper gulped at the thought of the blackness as some sort of monster, devouring them one by one.

Seemed as if they had to crawl.

"Does anyone have a flashlight, or light source or anything?"

Everyone shook their heads no. Except Pyro. To prevent him running out of fuel for his flamethrower, he lit a stick on fire as a torch.

Everyone managed to fit in there—even Heavy, barely.

"Zhis place reminds me of..." Medic groaned. "Never mind. You al'ight Heavy?"

"Yes," he replied uncomfortably. Crazy how he fit in there, he looked like a cube. "Lucky if I don't faint though."

"Demo, get your butt outta my face!" Exclaimed Scout. "You're LITERALLY the slowest crawler ever!"

"Get outta me way, yeh swallop!" Demo yelled as Scout tried going past him. "Or you're gon' regret it!"

"Miss Pauling, Pyro is breathing down my neck again!" said Soldier in the back.

"Miss Pauling isn't even here! And I'm behind you." Engineer yelled.

"Shut your yaps Pyro or I'll drop a gas bomb and suffocate everyone!"

No one said much after that.

Sniper was in the way back. He wasn't the claustrophobic type, definitelyyyyyy not, but the hallway sort of freaked him out. He could hardly see anything, not even whoever was in front of him. The walls were suffocating, and he could've sworn he heard a centipede crawl a few feet away.

"MMPH!" Pyro suddenly said in the front. It sounded as if he was being punched. The lights went out, and Soldier started screaming like a middle school girl when the lights suddenly go out during class for .2 seconds.

"Hudda hrr!" Pyro explained. Of course, no one understood him except Medic for some reason.

"Vhat? You say zhere's a door?" He asked.

There was a creaking sound, and the hallway suddenly was filled with light. Immediately Sniper wanted all the lights to go off again as he was right behind Scout who still had that huge hole in his pants.

They all tumbled out, some fighting their way while others going out politely.

"Finally," Spy muttered. He lit his cigarette.

"Uhh, fellas?" Engineer asked. "Where are we?"

No one was sure. It seemed to be some sort of mad scientist's lab, complete with bubbly potions stacked on every shelf and evil laughter in the distance. The place smelled rotten.

"Not sure," Spy said, puffing on his blunt and destroying his lungs even more. "Hopefully the last place we're stuck in."

"NO SMOKING!" Screeched a familiar voice. A pissed-off Merasmus popped out of nowhere and slapped Spy in the face, making him spit out his cigarette.

"RAGGHH!" Heavy yelled. Just like sniper did, he grabbed onto Merasmus's neck. He sputtered and gagged, his face turning purple.

"LET GO!" Merasmus screeched, using magic to the best of his ability to separate Heavy's meaty hands. "Sheesh fat man, you're just like bushman over here."

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