Chapter 4 Together.

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Kai's PoV
I was sitting in detention class. It was so boring. Luckily Brad was in another room. This is stupide, why am I here, I thought.

Skylor's PoV
I was sitting in the Cafetaria with Camile and Tox. Tox spoke: Did you hear about the fight yesterday?
No?, I replied back. "I Think Brad and Kai went Face to Face. Brad was bullying that Pixal. "Oh, im sorry", i anserwd . "You should't be", said Camile "That girl is such weakling, you shouldnt bother with her.
"What did she do to you?", I asked.
"Sky, it is how it is and that it.
"No what did she do?".
"Oh Skylor, you get on my nerves.
I dont know what her problem is with Pixal, but I dont want to ask her again, or she will burst out in flames. 

Jay's PoV

I woke up and saw my notes lying next to me. Today I have to ask her. I was fully ready to. On my way to school I couldn't let my mind get away from her. It was Thursday, last Night I wrote down every possible sentence I could say. I got out of the Bus and saw Nya, Cole and Kai waiting at a table. "Hey Guys", I said hoping not to look at Nya. "Hey Jay", Nya resonded back. I blushed a bit but noone noticed. Kai spoke up. "it's so boring in detention, can one of you come", Kai asked. "And let me ruine my perfect rank, no", Nya replied back. The bell rang and Nya, Zane and I went to English. As I seat on my Place the Teacher started to speak up: "You will hold a presantation in pairs of two infront of the class and you will prepair a poster. You will also get a grade for it". "Can we choose our partners", said a boy in the last row. "No", after last time I will you not choose the groups ever again. 

I remember last time. I was with Zane, it went pretty good, but the others. Not so much. There were just three groups with a poster, everyone else had nothing. That was something to laugh at. "So", the teacher began. I think my Name comes always at last, I don't know why. Finnaly I heard my name. "Jay and Nya". My heart stopped. I could't believe it. Zane spoke to me: "Everything Ok?". "Yes, why you ask", I said in a squeaky voice. Zane just lokked at me and smiled. "What would Kai say?" "Shut up Zane", I said ro him. Zane just laughed. "Now sit in your groups!", the teacher said. I was now sitting with Nya. My heart could burst with Joy. 

Skylor's PoV

I was sitting in Physics. Boring as F***. Since Last day tensions were rising between me and Camile. I thought just the tyniest spark could end in a fight. I held distance to her. I was together with Camile, Tox, Kai and Cole in this class. This Kai always lokked at me, why, why does he do that. I heard the Teacher saying: "Camile to the bord". Than everything happend at once. Camile went passt me and stumpled on my Foot. Kai told Cole about something, as they both moments later looked at me. Camile fell to the ground. Tox looked at me, she knew now their wasn't anything passed this. Camile stood up and punched me in the Face. The Teacher spoke loudly: "Camile, what was that for". But Camile dind't listen. "I told you, one more thing and you will see and now you will see. "I looked at heir, as i was feeling something warm running down my head. Blood! Camile wanted to punch me again, but Tox held her back. As i felt the blood running down, I felt anger. I stood up and puched her in the Stomach. Camile charched toward me and pushed me against the table. I felt my back punching against the Table. The Teacher wanted to seperate us  but a group of students blocked her way. Behind Camile, I saw Kai coming in this direction, why was he coming to punch me too, is it thta why he looked at me this hole time. 

As i thought my feelings, I felt something new, Camile kicked me in the Stomach. I rangelevel was 100. I stood up at lightning speed and punshed her in the Face. Then Kai came, I was ready for more punshing. But he didn't, he helped push me and Camile out of the way. Then Cole  came to. Tox pushed Camile back as Cole and Kai pushed me away. Then the Teacher came Camile and Syklor both to the Principales Office, Cole and Kai you go with them. I saw Camile looking at me with a Deathstare. I slowly realised again where I was. Cole was bringing Camile to the Office, shortly after that Kai brought me also their. On the Way I looked at Kai, but he didn't look back. The bleeding had stopped and I could concentrate again. He looked a bit worried. 

"What is it?", I asked. "A few days ago, I also intervened into a Fight and I got huge detention. I just wonder what this punishment will be", Kai said as I looked at him concerned. We arrived at the pricipals office were two nurses were wating, on was by Camile, the other came to me. The Teacher had told Principale Wu about the Situation. She then went out. Wu took a long sip of his cup of tea. He then looked at us all. "I wonder iftheir is day with no fight", he spoke quietly. "Kai", He began. I looked at Kai who had a worried expression. "The Teacher told me thta you and Cole intervened into the Fight, but to stop it and not to promote more damage. I see that the detension lessons have made you better. You just have to sit your rest of four lessons. 

Kai's expression changed from worried to reliefing. "As for you two", Wu began: What has gotten into you, you are both bleeding. We will have to informe your parents. This is no little thing. You will get both one month of detention, but as I feel this will not change, I will send you both to the Non-agression course". No one dared to speak, no one has ever seen Principale Wu so strict and loud. "Yes Princiaple", we both said. "Kai", Wu said in a softer voice again:"If you want you can also go their". Kai looked up: "I will think it through", Kai said as they both went back to class. Camile and I stayed a bit my the medical room, until we could go out again. I felt so driven by the words of Wu. Why did I punshed back? Why? 

Jay's PoV

I was sitting next to Nya and we both worked on the poster. I did never speak so long with Nya before, It was really a joy. As the lesson ended , Nya came to me again "I think we need a bit more time for the Poster, on Sunday I have nothing to do, would you come over?". My heart stopped again, did she really asked that. "Ahh...Yes...I have time...", I answered nervously. "Great", she replied back. Nya, Zane and I went all outside to a table were Lloyd seat. A few minutes later, Kai and Cole walked over. "Sheesh", Cole said. "What is it", Lloyd asked. Then they all told us the story about the fight. "Sheesh", Llyod said back. "Did they really bleed", Nya asked. "But do you know what is great about the situation", Cole asked. "What?", we all questioned. "Kai has company", Cole laughed. Kai looked at him angrily. We all laughed. 

After school I drove home. I had reached a first step to my goal. I was coming closer. 

Skylor's PoV

I was on my way to detention. As I opend the door, I saw at every Table atleast one Person. I looked around and saw Kai. Luckily one that I knew. "Can I sit here", I asked. Kai looked up and blushed a bit. "Yes of course". I seat next to him and asked him: "What do we do here?" "Pretty much...nothing", Kai answered a bit bored. "Oh, Great", I answered back. I saw him wearing a T-shirt. On it it read Ninja-Go! "Do you like the movies", I asked him. "What movies?". "Ninja-Go!". "oh. em...yes", he blushed a bit. "I like thos movies too". "Really", He replied back. "Next week there is coming a new part out, do you...erm want to see it", he asked shiely. "Oh, erm... Yes, I would love to". After detention we switched out numbers. "I'll write you then", he said walking home. I blushed a bit: "See you tomorrow". As I walked home, I had a thought. "Why did I blush? I am not in to him, or am I", as I thought of him my cheeks went red. "Am I?"

Soooooooooo!, after a bit long break I am back. I hope you liked this Chapter. As I am writing this It is currenrly 2.00 o'clock in the night. I have no life. So, I hope Chapter 5 will come out soon. I have a few Ideas. Well 1580 words, thos chapters get longer and longer.  Oh and also I want to draw some pictures for the chapters, if I have time and maybe draw a new Tilte poster. But till then, Good bye! Yours, Sunil205

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