Chapter Two

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        “Mom, I’m home!” I call as I walk in the front door of our house. I kick off my old, worn down red converse beside my dad’s mucky work boots. “Sorry I’m so late. I got caught up at the mall. It was so cold outside. Luke, Calum and I nearly froze to death!”

        “Great! Just in time for dinner! Do you want a blanket to wrap around yourself while you eat? How were Luke and Calum?” My mom says as I sit down in my chair at the dining room table.

        “I’m fine and Luke and Cal told me to tell you they say hey.” I smile to her as she hands me my lasagna. “Where’s Dad?” A cool breeze prickles the back of my neck and cold fingers climb up my neck. I let out a small screech and spin around in my chair.

        “Gotcha!” My dad yells when I spin around. My mom and dad start laughing and I can’t help but laugh with them. “Okay, lets dig into this lasagna! Yum!” My dad sits down beside me and picks up his fork. My parents have been married for about 20 years and met somewhere in North Carolina. Before they had me, they moved to Augusta, Maine and bought a small house on a quiet street.

        “So Kaitlyn, how was school today? Did you get that quiz back?” My mom says before stuffing a fork full of lasagna in her mouth. My gut twists into a knot and I feel my throat close up. Should I tell them? How will they react? Will they kill me?

        “I got a 60%!” I say quickly, hoping they didn’t hear it or just didn’t care. My parent’s eyes get wide and ring with sadness.

        My mom swallows and says “Oh honey. You studied so hard for it!”

        “Don’t worry kid. I used to fail all my quizzes. Now look at me! 2+3=23! I’m so smart!” My dad says laughing. I knew he was joking and laughed along with him. I don’t know what I was afraid of, my parents weren't mad. After we finished laughing, we went back to eating our lasagna, talking every now and then about work and school.


Later on that night, my phone rings and I pick it up. “Hello?” I say into the phone.

“Hey Kaitlyn, did you tell your parents about your quiz?” Calum’s voice rings from the other end of the call.

“Yeah, they weren't mad or anything. They were really nice about it and didn’t bring it up all dinner. So, why did you call me?”

“I have some news. I’m heading back to Australia for a year. 20 Years of Friday became a big hit and someone wants us to perform back in Australia. Are you going to be alright on your own?” Calum laughs a little and I can’t help but laugh to.

“Yeah, I still have Luke and Nicole. I’ll still have some friends to hang out with. But it’ll feel weird without you.”

“About that, I just called Luke and he said he was also leaving for a while. He wants to go see what the schools are like in Mexico. So his family is bringing him there for a year as well. He’s leaving us for the rest of the year! How could he do that to us?!” I can hear the sarcasm in his voice and laugh.

“When are you leaving?” Sadness rings in my voice.

“Awe, don’t be sad. I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“TOMORROW??? Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” I yell a little too loud and fear that my parents might come running up stairs to see what is wrong with me.

“I was going to tell you in school, but you were upset about your quiz. I didn’t want to make you more depressed.” Sadness rings in his voice and it sounds like he is crying a little bit.

“Are you crying?”

“No, these are man tears. I don’t cry.” He laughs through his tears. “I just feel bad for leaving you and not telling you earlier. I’m sorry.” His Australian accents thickens a little bit as he gets more upset.

“Oh Cal! It’s alright! It’s not your fault you have a beautiful voice!” This seemed to brighten his mood a little bit and he laughs a little.

“So, I’ll call you if I have time when I’m in Australia. See you in a year.”

“Bye…. I’ll miss you.” I wait five seconds then hang up. I stare blankly at his picture on my phone. What am I going to do without my best friends by my side? I’ll still have Nicole and Bree, but it just won’t be the same without them here. I quickly tap onto Luke’s contacts and call him. The ringer rings five times and soon Luke’s familiar Australian thick, adorable accent rings from the other end of the phone.

“Hey Kate. I’m guessing Cal told you the news.”

“Yeah. So, you're going to Mexico. That must be fun.” I try to sound happy, but it comes out all sad.

“Yeah, I’m so sorry that it’s going to be a year! I didn’t think my parents would sign me up to do it for that long!”

“It’s alright. When are you leaving?”

“Sunday. So, in two days. I’m sorry. My parents only told me today!”

“You don’t have to apologize! Will I see you before then?”

“Probably not, my parents want to go somewhere ‘Special’ with me before I leave. Since they aren't coming with me, they want as much family time as they can get.”

“Oh, okay. So this is goodbye? For now?”

“Oh my gosh! Kate stop it! You're going to make me cry! Bye Kaitlyn. See you in a year!”

“Bye Lukey!”

“Bye, and don’t call me that!” Luke laughs then hangs up and I’m just left sitting alone on my bed with no one to talk to. I lie down on my bed and look up at my ceiling. How am I ever going to survive school now without my best friends?

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