Chapter Eight

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        That morning, I got ready for school with a feeling inside me that I couldn’t explain. It was like happiness and power. I felt strong and invincible. Like nothing was going to get in my way.

        As I walk down the school corridor, people looked at me funny and scurried out of my way when I walked past them. What was going on? I kept walking straight, not letting any of the dirty looks bother me. When I reach my locker, Michael is leaning against the locker beside mine. He has a concerned look plastered on his face and he is playing with his fingers.

        I walk up to him and he wraps me up in a hug, which is very surprising. He leans in and whispers something in my ear. “Rumors are going around. This time you're involved in them. Michael lets go and looks me in the eyes. “I’m so sorry I dragged you into this.”

        “What are the rumors?” I ask, not really caring that they are about me, more that there are more about Michael.

        “That we’re dating and planning to rob the lunch room’s money.” Michael chokes on his words a little bit and he is near to tears. The rumor that we are dating isn’t that bad, but the robbing one is. It’s not like us to do that and it is ridiculous! My head frantically thinks of a way to get rid of these rumors. The first thing I think is to go find Nicole and ask her for a way to end this. The fact that people are believing Nicole is so weird! I hate how they worship her and believe every word she says!

        “I’ll be right back.” I jog away from Michael and run to the place Nicole usually hangs out in the morning; the band room with Bree. People rush out of my way as I sprint down the hall. When I reach the band room, I’m out of breath and slowly walk into the large, brightly light band room. Nicole is sitting in the corner with a pleasant look on her face. When she sees me walking toward her, she stands up and walks over to me.

        “If you’re here to find a way to get rid of this rumor, I’m not getting rid of it.” She crosses her arms across her pink aeropostale shirt and gives me a small smirk.


        “Because this is the true me. I’m a bully and I like to make people have bad reputations. It’s just me. Maybe I had a bad childhood or something but it’s just me. Now that you’re not my friend, it’s your turn.” A stranger looks back at me. It’s no longer my friend that loved boys and fashion. No longer the sweet person she is on the outside. Well, you don’t judge a person from the outside.

        “But why Michael?” I could care less if she bullies me or spreads rumors about me, it’s just Michael I care about. He already has enough hate and rumors.

        “He was the easiest. He looked bad and punk rock. Why not make up some stories to make him like that?” Nicole’s eyes thin into an icy, thin line.

        “Is there any possible way you can stop these rumors? Please tell me. Even if you only stop making rumors about Michael and not me, I’ll be fine.”

        “Leave Michael in the dirt. Let him live his life with nobody else to make him happy or even sad. You were his first friend, be his last.”

        My heart quickens in my chest and my mind spins around. I couldn’t do this to Michael. What was worse? Rumors or no friends?

        “Never.” I stand up taller and give her an icy look.

        “Then that’s it that’s all I can do for you.” Nicole clasps her hands together and spins on her heels. “Goodbye!” I don’t chase after her or try to bargain anything with her, I just let her go on with her life. Michael and I can deal with the hate. He’s been dealing with it for the last few years and now he has someone to battle it with him.

        It has been two days since Nicole made that rumor and we have been getting more scared looks from our classmates and dirty looks from Nicole every now and then. The rumors didn’t get any worse. There was the occasional robbing one that was tossed around but Michael and I will make it through these times. Nothing bad lasts forever.

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