Episode 1

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Callie enters the garage and finds Luke, Alex and Reggie chatting around the grand piano

"So what are we going to do now?" Reggie asks leaning on the keys producing an awful melody. "I have no idea, I'm still not quite sure what happened after the show last night." Alex responds picking Reggie up off the keys. "I am glad we're free from Caleb but what now?" Callie coughs from the door, "uhm.. Hi!" The boys, jump and turn around to see who just spoke. "Hi there, I'm Callie, I was looking for Julie? Do you guys know where she is?" The boys exchange confused looks, while Reggie is staring at her, jaw on the floor. Callie stands at 5'7" with long white hair, an edgy E-girl style, and a messenger bag with iron-on band logos plastered all over it. Luke looks over at Reggie and Alex to see if they have an idea if she's actually talking to them. "Can she see us?" Alex asks closing Reggie's mouth and bringing him out of his daydream. Luke opens his mouth to respond but is cut off. "Of course I can see you, I have eyes and you're right in front of me.. WAIT! you are the boys in Julie's band! Oh my gosh you guys are amazing! Your show last night was crazy!" The boys don't know how to respond, they stand in awe that another Lifer can see them. Reggie steps forward and says "Julie is up in the house but she should be here soon, come in and you can sit and wait for her." Callie nods and walks into the garage, looking around while silently humming to herself.

Alex and Luke motion for Reggie to come outside but he's still staring at Callie, Luke reaches for him and pulls the back of his flannel bringing him outside. "Reggie focus!" Luke growls as Reggie stumbles to their huddle, "She can see us! Just like Julie! Wha-" Luke looks up to see Alex motioning for him to stop talking. When Luke turns around he see Julie walking towards the garage. "Hey guys, what are you doing out here?" Julie asks making a face acknowledging the boys 'odd' behavior. "Oh no reason, just enjoying the sunshine" Alex says checking his watch nervously. "Well I am gonna to go. Gotta meet up with Willie.. later!" *poof*
"Your friend, Callie, is in there waiting for you Julie" Luke says stepping closer to Julie. "I guess your dad sent her down" Julie turns to the garage full of excitement. "Okay cool! I've got to tell you guys about her later, she is AMAZING!" Julie turns to enter the garage and waves over her shoulder "see you later!"

Julie and the Phantoms Season 2: Caleb's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now