Episode 2

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Julie enters the garage to see her new friend Callie waiting on the couch.

"Hey Callie, what's up?" Julie asks walking over to the piano. Callie stands up to meet her at the piano. "I just wanted to come by and tell you how insane your performance was last night!! You were on fire!!" Callie exclaims making large hand gestures then leaning on the edge of the piano. Julie laughs, and shakes her head. "Thanks! Flynn did all the effects, all I did was sing!" Julie lightly shoves Callie while they both laugh. "you know you could have just text me right? You didn't have to come all this way" she continues as she walks across the room. Callie begins to look a little nervous and starts to turn a soft red, she clears her throat "Oh I- I know I just haven't seen you in a while, thought we could maybe hang out, catch up a bit?"

Luke and Reggie poof in to listen

Luke and Julie make eye contact as well as Reggie and Callie, however Callie is acting as if they weren't there. "Oh! We can hang out, just not right now. I have some stuff to do, band stuff!" the two motion of understanding and laugh, "so maybe a little later, or something!" Callie starts to walk towards the door, seemingly embarrassed or maybe upset. Luke and Reggie look at each other, Reggie whispers "do you think she's kicking her out because of me?" Luke whispers in return "because of you, or what you did with Carlos the other night! Now will you shut up!" Luke smacks Reggie on the shoulder after noticing Julie glaring at them. Callie turns around to see what Julie was looking at, and smiles at Reggie then turns back and says "Don't worry Jules I'll just come back another time, just text me whenever." she begins walking out the door "see ya" she waves back at them and winks at Reggie before leaving. Julie waves goodbye and turns around to see Reggie with his jaw on the floor, "Hey! What is wrong with you! You look like you've seen a gh-" Luke starts to laugh "I think he is in love with your friend. He reacted the same way when she first got here." Reggie jumps in and blushes "Hey!! I am not in love with her! But totally unrelated, I gotta go!" And he poofs out. Julie shakes her head in total surprise "Did I miss something or have Reggie and Alex been acting really weird since Callie got here?" Luke hesitantly laughs and shrugs.

Reggie poofs to the front porch of Julie's house and stops Callie before she leaves

"Hey! How uh- *cough* how long have you known Julie?" Callie jumps back in slight awe, but smiles. "Well I saw your guys' first performance at the spirit rally and after that her and I started to become really close. Wanna walk with me?" Reggie nods his head and gestures for her to go first out the gate. Callie and Reggie walk through the streets of Hollywood as Callie tells him all about herself, and her friendship with Julie. "my parents are kind of strict so I was never really able to hang out with her outside of school. That's probably why you didn't know who I was." Callie laughs as she walks alongside Reggie who is watching her intently. "If your parents are so strict about you going out then how come you came by today? Aren't your parents going to get mad at you?" Callie shakes her head and looks to the floor shyly smiling "Under any other circumstance, yes they would be. However a really important business deal one of my dads was trying to get fell through and he's pretty upset about it, so he's not really home much. On top of that, they've been fighting recently, that's why I came by, they've been yelling at each other all morning..." she sighs and continues to stare at her feet as they walk, clearly upset. Reggie goes to put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her but quickly pulls it away remembering he can only touch Julie, not any other Lifer. He places his hands in his pockets and continues to walk alongside her. "I'm sorry to hear that, I've had a similar experience, wanna get together sometime and talk more? I should probably get back.." Reggie looks up from the floor, nervously waiting for her response. Callie looks up into his eyes, smiles and says "I'd love to see you again" she looks around and spots a Dunkin' Donuts across the street and looks back to Reggie "lets meet at the Dunkin' Donuts tomorrow, say 2 o'clock?" Reggie blushes slightly, nods in agreement, and bows "Until then." *poofs away* Callie smiles to herself and continues to walk home. "what a pleasant end to an awful day"

Julie and the Phantoms Season 2: Caleb's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now