Episode 5

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Reggie poofs into the garage and finds Julie waiting with Alex and Luke.

"Oh hey guys! What's up? Everything okay?" he asks as he walks across the room and flops onto the couch sighing happily. Julie huffs over, clearly upset, Reggie immediately sits up "Where have you been all day! I've been so worried!" she exclaims and sits down next to him, "I thought something bad happened to you.." Reggie places his hand on Julie's shoulder, Alex and Luke come over and sit on the coffee table "I'm fine Julie, promise. I was just with a friend and lost track of time." Julie nods, hugs him and heads off to bed. The guys watch as she leaves then Alex and Luke turn to Reggie who has flopped back down onto his back on the couch. Alex seems to burst "TELL US ABOUT YOUR DATE!!" Luke and Reggie turn to him and chuckle, "sorry, I've been waiting all day!" Reggie stares up at the ceiling, reflecting on the amazing day he had with his 'perfect girl' and the perfect day he had."It was amazing you guys! We just sat for hours and talked! About EVERYTHING!" he sits up on the edge of the couch as Luke and Alex listen eagerly. "we basically had the same childhood! Her dads fight all the time! And they still do! That's why she came by the other day, she didn't want to be around it again." He continues to describe his day to his best friends. "The only weird part was right before she left, she got a text or something and started to freak out, said she had a uh.. performance or something that she was going to be late for. Then she got all weird when I asked if I could come watch sometime." Luke and Alex exchange worried looks making Reggie nervous "am I crazy or was that actually a little weird?" Luke gets up from the coffee table and sits next to Reggie on the couch "Nah man it does seem a little weird, but she's probably shy about her music or whatever, you know, kind of like how Julie was when we first met her" he looks up at Alex who nods "Yeah man, he's right.. I'm sure its nothing" Reggie leans his head on Luke's shoulder, takes a deep breath and agrees that he shouldn't worry.

Willie poofs in behind the grand piano

"Alex! I need to tell you something!" he shouts from across the room obviously flustered and slightly worried, Alex stands up in shock. "What are you doing here? Aren't you going to get in trouble with Caleb??" he rushes overt to hug Willie, "I mean I'm always glad to see you but I don't want you to get hurt." Luke and Reggie migrate towards the piano to see what Willie had to say. Willie looks to Alex "I just wanted to ask if you knew someone named Calianna" Luke Alex and Reggie give Willie confused looks. Reggie leans down on the piano "The name sounds familiar but I don't think so. Why do you ask?" Willie takes a breath to respond when he notices someone over Alex's shoulder, they make a shushing motion followed by the 'I'm watching you' motion and Willie stops himself. Alex moves slightly to look into his eyes, "Willie? Everything okay?" Willie takes a deep breath, nodding "Uh yeah, yeah everything is good. I had just remembered you mentioning Reggie made a new friend the other day and the name sounded familiar. I also just wanted to come say hi" he clears his throat and reaches for Alex's hand. "Awe how sweet of him!" Reggie chuckles, nudging Luke in the side. The group sit in the garage talking, softly playing their instruments, dancing, and laughing all night. "Wait wait, let me get this right!" Luke says catching his breath, "you skated out into traffic after a taco truck! Then died?!" Willie starts to laugh harder, wipes a tear away, "Yes! What can I say? I was really hungry!" Willie responds laying his head on Alex's lap. They all bust out laughing, harder than they had all night. The group continued to tell gut wrenching, tear jerking, and down right hilarious stories from their lives before they died, and before they knew it, the sun was coming up and Willie forgot what he was trying to warn Alex about. "You should probably head out before Julie wakes up." Alex says stroking Willie's hair as he lays across his lap. "Yeah, I shouldn't have stayed that long anyways, but I'm glad I did. See ya later hot dog." Willie laughs and walks out the garage doors. On his way out he is stopped by Callie. "What are you doing here!" he asks in a huff. "What are you doing here? You're under strict orders not to be around these boys. He is GOING to find out!" Callie responds. "He won't find out unless someone tells him, I'm being careful I swear." Willie responds looking back to the garage. "I can see that, very good on your part. And it definitely would be a shame if someone told him where you've been going three times a week for the last 2 months... wouldn't it William? He may be able to destroy your soul, but I can destroy your little relationship you've got going on here.. remember that the next time you sneak away for your Romeo and Romeo moment, kay?" Callie smiles evilly and walks around Willie towards the garage. He watches her walk away and turns back with a sad, defeated expression on his face and poofs away. Callie regains her composure, shakes her smile off and enters the garage. "Hey Callie!" Reggie shouts as he runs to meet her, "I knew you said we should hang again but I didn't expect to see you so soon, what's up?" Reggie asks giving Callie an air hug, which she does not return. "Hey Reg, I think I'm in trouble. Can we talk outside?" Reggie nods and walks outside with her.

"What happened Callie? Why do you think you're in trouble?" he asks wanting to comfort her. "I think I might have gotten in trouble with my boss. He's really scary and was so mad that I was late last night.. and ever since then I keep getting these really bad pains like right in here." she points to her chest/rib area, "it feels like I'm getting electrocuted. He said if it happened again I'd face something much worse. I don't know what to do I'm so scared!" Callie starts to break down, burying her face in her hands. Reggie, on instinct, reaches out to give her a hug. He is amazed to find he doesn't go right through her when he feels her hugging him back. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you... I wish I could help you more, but I don't know what to do." he responds pulling away from the hug. He wipes a tear from her face, and lifts her head to look him in the eyes. "Just go home, get some rest, and I'll brainstorm some ways to help. I won't let this hurt you anymore than it already has, I promise." Callie places her hand on his, sniffles and nods, "Thank you Reggie, I won't forget this. You have no idea how much this means to me." Reggie smiles, hugs her once more and turns towards the garage and runs away. Callie waves as he runs, smiling intently. As he enters the garage her smile drops, "That was so embarrassing oh my gosh, I hope I never have to do that again!" she remarks as she wipes her face. "I think this is going to work out perfectly.." She smiles slyly, begins to laugh and poofs away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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