Episode 4

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The two leave the coffee shop and begin their stroll down Sunset Boulevard as the sun sets along the curve.

As the two walk along they continue to talk about their home lives. The two found solace in the fact that they weren't alone, and created inside jokes about their trauma. "So what would you do? Like what was your go-to comfort activity when your parents were fighting?" Callie asks taking the final sip of her coffee, then continues, "mine was counting all of the pieces of wood on my bedroom floor." Reggie smiles and begins to giggle "You'd really sit in your room and count your floor while your parents argued in the next room?" Callie laughed and shrugged her shoulders "What did you do! Don't avoid the question cutie!" Reggie's jaw drops slightly in astonishment, "I'm not avoiding it! Honestly, I would sit in my closet and play with my favorite robot toy... but then I got older and didn't really fit in my closet. Once I got there I was in a band so I would leave and go rehearse with them to avoid hearing them scream." Callie looked over at Reggie to see that he wasn't laughing or smiling anymore, and that he had a look of sadness mixed with a little fear. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. We can change the topic if you'd like? Tell me about your band! Maybe I've heard of them." Reggie slightly perked up slightly thinking of his best friends. "Well it is about time you asked! My band was called Sunset Curvet, we were going to be legends!" Reggie's smile was back and glowing to the heavens while he reflected upon his band from back in the day. "And I say 'were' because on the night of our biggest show, we all died.. well Alex, Luke, and I died. Bobby, our rhythm guitarist, stole all of Luke's songs and became famous." Reggie's face drops a little, "I'm so sorry to hear that, I can't imagine how hurt you all must have been..."

The two continue to talk about Sunset Curve as the sun disappears along the horizon, seemingly hours passed of the two walking in profound silence before Callie breaks the silence and asks "Does Julie know that I can see you? Or that we're hanging out?" she slows her walk a little, thinking about if she's betraying and lying to her new friend, "Sorry to ask I'm just curious, I mean I imagine not many people know you and the other guys AREN'T holograms." Reggie nods "Oh no I get it, don't be sorry. I uh- haven't told her, well it has only been a day so there's time to test the water to see how she'll react to the fact that you can see us." The two come across a bench and Reggie motions for them to sit, "After all you know me and the guys didn't react the best, caught us a bit by surprise." Callie laughs and looks down to her feet and looks back into his grey/blue eyes "Not a bad surprise I hope" Reggie smiles and shakes his head, "I don't believe anything involving you could ever be bad" The two laugh again a little more flirty than before when Callie's phone vibrates, she begins to breathe heavily as she stares at her phone. Reggie stops laughing and turns to her, "Hey, hey are you doing okay?" he asks trying to get into her line of sight. "I uh- I ne- I have to go, I forgot I have a performance tonight." Callie abruptly stands up to leave and Reggie stands up with her "Performance? Are you in a band or something?" Callie stops for a moment to answer "Uhm or something, I really have to go can you please move?" she steps around Reggie and almost starts running, while he is hot on her trail, still trying to process her abrupt exit. "Maybe I can come watch you perform sometime? I'd love to hear you sing, if that's what you're doing." Callie stops running and turns to Reggie, "Reggie, please. I HAVE to go! My boss is going to kill me if I'm late for this thing. We can talk again another time but I have to go!" Callie turns to run away again, but turns over her shoulder "it was really nice spending time with you today, I sincerely hope we can do it again sometime soon." She smiles, waves and runs off into the darkness leaving Reggie alone under the lights of Sunset Boulevard. "Wow... she wants to see me again!" reggie says to himself before doing his happy dance and poofing away.

Callie peers around a corner to see if he had left *poof* "Darling you're late, your fans are waiting for you" a man says from behind her. "I know sir, I lost track of time, I was just on my way." she explains fearfully and turns around. "It won't happen again I promise." she looks up into the eyes of none other than Caleb Covington. "well I'd hope not, you wouldn't want anything to happen to your little friends... now go! Willie is waiting for you" *Caleb poofs away* Callie turns and starts to walk down the street again "Shit!"

Julie and the Phantoms Season 2: Caleb's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now