A midnight cold..

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The house temperature was cold, pure cold, cold enough to wake a person from their slumber. Cold enough to wake Xingqui, his eyes slowly opened as tried to feel if anyone was beside him in bed.

"Chongyun..?" He softly called out.

   There was no answer. He sighed knowing his partner was awake. He got off the bed and walked into the kitchen seeing Chongyun sitting on the counter chewing on a popsicle.

    "There you're my little frostbite." Xingqiu chuckled, "Up once again in the middle of the night I see."

    Chongyun only nodded, with his natural blank expression.

    "This tends to occur a lot..is there something wrong, my love?"

    The icy blue male just stood quiet and pulled away from his popsicle.

   "Are you sleeping uncomfortably? Is there a rodent in the bed? Would you rather wish for me to hold you?" Xingqiu frowned walking closer to his partner.

"I sense a presence in the house, so I'm staying awake in order to catch it...I would usually be able to find it right away but, something is different about this one." Chongyun finally said.

"Hm. I see, an exorcist at his best but rest assure, there is nothing here, my love."

    "I guess you're right...but then..what am I sensing?" The icy male sighed hopping off the counter before losing his balance quickly and being caught by his partner.

    "My liege! Are you alright?"

    "My head..hurts..dizzy.."

    Xingqiu cupped the other's one chin making him look up, "Your face his red, have you got a cold?"

    "Me..? Have a cold..? Doesn't seem right.." Chongyun sighed.

"You have been overworking yourself and staying up late with the cold.." Xingqui said as he raised his hand on the icy male's forehead, "That is quite overwhelming to the body, my liege."

    "I'll be...I'll be fine, Xingqiu.."

"I admire your strength but, even you have your limits and it would seem you have met them, how about Xiangling's spicy food to help with that cold?" Xingqiu suggested.

    Chongyun glared at the other male, "God no.."

"But you must"—

"I appreciate the care you're giving me but, I think I would rather much stay away from her spicy dishes."

"Very well then, I shan't get you a spicy dish, my liege. However, you will soak in a hot bath."

     "Xingqiu. Let's not start this ag"—

    The teal-haired male scowled hard at the other, "Chongyun, bath now. No fighting back or you'll just worsen your cold."

    "But I"—

     "Now. Get to the bath, please." 

     The icy male nodded and reluctantly walked over to the bath with the support of his partner. He slowly undressed himself whilst Xingqiu turned on the faucet, adjusting the temperature to warm.


    "M-Mhm...just..look away real quick."

    Xingqiu turned his head, "As you wish, my liege."

    Chongyun slowly got into the bath, hissing at the heat of the water. Once he was in, Xingqiu undressed and got in behind him. The teal-haired male grabbed a rag, dipped it into water and soap, and began gently scrubbing Chongyun's back.

     "You don't...this doesn't...I don't..."

     "Are you flustered, my liege?"

    "I-I mean...you don't just do this normally.." Chongyun replied.

"You needn't worry, I'll only be washing your back and the rest of your body except...what would you like me to do about down here and down there?"

    "E-Eh?! H-Huh?!"

    "I mean, would you rather have me wash there for you or..?"

     "N-No! I mean...I got the front...just need help with the back.." Chongyun mumbled shyly.

"Heheh, I find it quite amusing and adorable the way your behavior changed around me now." Xingqiu chuckled.

"W-What do you mean?! There isn't anything wrong with my behavior..besides! You don't just normally clean someone's...ya know..

"That's an understatement. You've definitely changed, my love. Also, I can't just leave you filled with left over semen."

"F-First off, don't say it! You make it sound weird...not everyone gets in a relationship with their best friend and act like it's nothing.." Chongyun sighed.

"I suppose I can't hold you there but, we must do something about the house temperature."

"What are you proposing? I find the house temperature solacing." The icy male said.

"For you perhaps but remember we're different in our own ways, and I'm not ever so fond of this temperature." Xingqiu sighed.

Chongyun only let out a 'hmph!' Letting Xingqiu sighed once more, "Such a child sometimes."

To be continued..?

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝙸𝚌𝚎|| Xingqiu x Chongyun||Where stories live. Discover now