To repay a debt.

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Recite these words and try not to forget, or you'll find something you'll always regret.

"Heart be pure... evil be erase.. mind be purged.. world be.. ugh.. I can never get that part.." Chongyun sighed as he stirred the batter.

"Chongyun? Are you reciting once again?" Xingqiu asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I always forget the last part... darn it.."

"How's the baking coming along?"

Chongyun looked inside the batter with a bit of disgust and turned back to Xingqiu's direction , "Um... good? I presume, brownies should look like these whilst they're being stirred.."

"Let me try, who knows? You might've just perfected it this time.." Xingqiu giggled pointing to Chongyun's baby blue apron that was nearly covered in milky-like chocolate stains.

The icy male blushed a bit, "H-Hey! Don't rub it in.. I know I suck.. it's just, hard.."

Xingqiu got up and walked over to his partner and gave a warm smile that always ends up melting Chongyun, "You insisted on doing such a favor for me, my liege. I told you, you didn't have to."

"B-But I insist. I mean.. you're right, I would feel atrocious of not being able to repay my debt after you nursed me back to my regular condition."

"That's why you're my best friend, you're so caring and delicate. I honestly just melt."

     "So, you wanna try?"

    The bookworm nodded as he leaned in closer to Chongyun's face and gently licked the dab of brownie mix from his cheek, "Hm, that's actually pretty admirable, well done my liege."

    Chongyun held his cheek as his face reddened, "I-I'm glad you enjoyed it.."

"Something the matter, my liege?"

"A-Ah?! Wha?! N-Nothing is ever so wrong! Everything is splendid, well, great.. hot!" Chongyun replied frantically as he turned away with a tomato face.

"Hm? Hot? Have you got another cold? Or is it a fever this time?" Xingqiu questioned as he turned his partner to face him and raised a hand to his forehead.

"E-Eh..! Y-You see! It's just.. uh... hot in here! It's the... oven! Yes, the oven.."

    "Hmm, is that so? Perhaps one shouldn't be worrying about baking knowing they can't handle such heat."

    "B-But one shall always suffer uh... something of their weakness for the happiness of their loved one..?"

    "You just made that up, didn't you? Now, now, Chongyun I don't want you to get sickened again."

     "X-Xingqiu! How about you read that book I got for you..? You haven't read it yet, since it was supposed to be a surprise.."

    The bookworm tilted his head, "Have you gotten me a new book?"

    Chongyun quickly nodded as he began to push his partner out of the kitchen, "But of course, it's in the room you better hurry and read it!"

    "Right away, my liege! That book shan't wait a minute longer!"

    And with that Xingqiu walked away leaving Chongyun there to breathe heavily, "Finally... a moment longer I would've exploded, darn feelings getting the better of me. Deep breaths Chongyun, deep breaths..."

The icy male turned back to the counter with his hand on his hip, "Now. Time to beat the heat and make those brownies."


"Xing! T-The brownies are ready, I.. uh think!" Chongyun called out as he pulled the batch from the oven, "O-Oh that's hot!"

    "Coming.~ Mmm, they look good and smell good." Xingqiu smiled walking into the kitchen.

    "I hope they taste good..."

    The bookworm carefully took a brownie from the batch and bit into it gently, "A-Ahem.. I've tasted... better.."

    Chongyun's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, "I'm a failure.."

     "Now, now, it's fine"—

    "Wahhh!!! And after I tried so hard.." He whined, "I shan't never show my face in the public eye with such baking skills again!"

   "Chongyun, it's not that severe, you tried your best surely that is enough." Xingqiu reassured.

    "I suppose you're correct, I'm gonna shower."

    "Care if I join?"


    "But of course, wouldn't you like to repay that debt? I wish to join you."

    The icy male gulped as he began to burn up a bit, "U-Um! Xingqiu... you do remember what occurred last time..?"

   "Hmm, allow me to jog my memory. Oh! That's right, I do remember."


    "Hm, oh! Do you ponder I would act in such a manner once again?" Xingqiu chuckled.

    Chongyun sighed as he shook his, he turned around and sat the batch of brownies on the counter and turned back around and began to pinch and stretch the bookworm's cheeks.

    "Don't act so brainless! You know why I would ponder such a thought!"

    Xingqiu chuckled once more, "N-Now, now! Where would  you get such a thought?"

    "Dummy! Don't play cheap, you surely had the idea running through your head."

    The bookworm gripped the wrist of his partner, releasing his cheeks from his painful grasp, "I shan't do such a thing, my love."

"A-Ah... um.. right! Of course!" Chongyun blushed.

    Xingqiu motioned towards his partners collar bone and nuzzled it gently, "You're so easy to fluster."

    The icy male reddened deeper as he pinched the bookworm's nose, pulling him away from his collar bone, "D-Don't be so pervy! And just bathe with me already.."

   "O-Ow... but of course, my liege."

To be continued...

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝙸𝚌𝚎|| Xingqiu x Chongyun||Where stories live. Discover now