Teasing the cold...

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️: There is some slight NSFW up ahead, if you don't enjoy such things as this, or lgtbq+ now is your chance to leave but... you already knew that. Other than that, enjoy! <3

For entertainment Xingqiu would love to tease Chongyun but at the same time... he loved pleasuring him. He loved to see how flustered his icy pale face could get.

"A-Ah... Xing! D-Don't bite!" Chongyun pleaded, gripping tightly to his partners shoulders.

"Hmm, why?" Xingqiu questioned pulling away.

"B-Because! It gives me the wrong idea!"

"Like I said, I'm only touching and teasing... nothing else, my liege. Besides, you should let the dominant one be in charge."

     "Mmmm... you're so bossy.."

"That's why I dominant, my love..~" Xingqiu hummed as he bit into Chongyun's neck.

    "A-Ah!~ X-Xing! I said don't bite!" Chongyun cried out.

    "Aha, and I said the dominant one should be in charge."

    "D-Don't be so stubborn, Xing!"

"You should really find a better choice of words my love, considering the position you're in." The bookworm chuckled as he slid his hand up his partners shirt.

    "H-Hah?!~ N-No..~"

"No?~ What do you mean, no..?"

    Xingqiu began massaging Chongyun's chest whilst his partner began to grip his shoulders so tight, he was releasing ice from his palms.

"I-I mean— ah..~..no..~"

    "I've never seen you so... in the moment.. you're practically freezing my shoulders off."

     "X-Xing..~ ah..~..s-sorry.."

    "Now you're apologizing? Hmm, at least I can amuse myself a little.."

   Xingqiu smirked as he rolled up his partners shirt and began kissing his chest gently.

"H-Hah?!~ W-Wait..! S-Slower movements— a-ah!~~" Chongyun whined with a moan.

"Hush now, my liege... you'll bring too much attention.."

    "T-Then don't do weird things..!"

    "Apologies.~ I didn't know you were so sensitive here..~"

     "Mmm... you're such a tease..!"

    The bookworm moved to one of his partners nipples and began sucking and kissing it. He tried not to get too cocky from the surprised moans and gasps coming from the other.

    Chongyun directed his grip to the bed, releasing more ice from his palms from the sudden actions.

Xingqiu pulled away to see the sight, "My.. Chongyun.. how cute.."

The icy male laid there quietly panting with a deep reddened face and tears in his eyes. The embarrassment was too much for him. Xingqiu looked away blushing more now.

Chongyun pouted for a moment before sitting up and pulling Xingqiu into a kiss. He pushed the bookworm down, pinning him by his hands as their elements began causing friction with each other.

     Xingqiu pulled away for air, "Hah... when did you get so bold?"

     "Since I figured out something... were you trying to take advantage of me, again..?"

    "Again? Whatever do you mea"—

    "Xing! I know that night wasn't an accident... you can be honest, did you?"

    The bookworm sat himself up as he slowly nodded with a gulp.

    "Xing... if you wanted to do something, why not just ask?"

    "Truth be told. I don't even know.. something just came over me."

    Chongyun sighed, "Well then, I'll wait until you find a more reasonable answer. No pressure."

    Xingqiu gave a relieved smile as he pulled Chongyun into his chest, hugging him from behind.

    "Chongyun, you're such a softie..." The bookworm said with a chuckle, snuggling into his partners neck.

    "E-Eh..? Am not!— I mean... you really think so..?"

    "Mhm, why do you think that is?"

    "What a philosophical question... I'm guessing, because you're a bit stubborn and hard-headed, not mention you can be a total fool. So I need to be patient with you."

    "Aww... I didn't ask you to state all my flaws, my liege.."

    "Serves you right. You're so difficult someti— a-ah! W-What're you doing?!

    "Nothing...~ Why would get so spooked for?"

    "H-Huh?! Hands out of my shirt! And don't blow in my ear!"

"Hmm?~ I'm not doing anything, continue...~"

"A-Ah!~ Xing! Hands out of my shirt!— H-Hey! Don't touch me there! Hands out!"

Xingqiu smirked as he pushed his partner down onto his chest and pinned him from behind, "You're ticklish on your ear, am I right?"

"W-What?! No... yes.. a little..." Chongyun replied with a pout.

"Then you don't mind if I..~"

"W-Wait! What're you doing?! Hey— no! Don't bite you bookworm!"

"Why not?~ You're pressing back into me, I nearly feel your erotic pulse coming from your entra"—

"X-Xingqiu! Don't be so pervy! It's impossible anyways!"

"How so? Even through your clothing your body can't lie..~"

"Y-You're such a pervert! Don't go saying stuff like tha"—

"Xing? Is everything okay in... here.." Questioned the bookworm's elder brother, barging into the room.

"Brother? Something the matter?"

"O-Oh... you two are... busy... I see.."

"Don't you know how to knock, elder brother?" Xingqiu sighed.

"R-Right. A-Ahem! Apologies for interrupting your moment, I do suppose you two are of the age when you want to get this far in a relationship... just make your choices wisely, I won't control them."


"Right! I'll go back to work." The older one said as he closed the door behind him and rushed off.

"He's a bit too much, don't you think?" Xingqiu asked.

"H-How can you be so calm?! The humiliation is unbearable for one.." Chongyun whined with a flustered look as he buried his face into the bed.

"Well, did you enjoy your night..?~"


"My dear, your backside is still pressing into me"—

"Hush it."

To be continued...

(Sorry for such a boring chapter I'm trying my best with the ideas but I have an ass of a memory so I forgot easily, I'll try not to let ya'll down next chapter.)

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝙸𝚌𝚎|| Xingqiu x Chongyun||Where stories live. Discover now