No piquant flavors for an icy boy..

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Another day went by, Chongyun when on one of his expeditions as an exorcist whilst Xingqiu read his books and trained himself. It would've been a normal day if Chongyun arrived at his normal time, it was around 12:00 AM and Xingqiu figured his partner was caught up in work but usually, he'd at least been notified. Or would've known ahead of time depending around Chongyun'sp predictions but, something felt off.

    "Xingqiu? You're still awake at this hour?" Questioned the bookworm's elder brother walking into the living room.

    "Hm? Oh, yes. I'm awaiting for Chongyun's arrival, something feels different." The younger male replied turning a page.

    "Don't you presume it's just a delay in his expedition? Or perhaps the spirit is giving him a hard time?"

    Xingqiu gave a faint smile, "Now, now, don't worry Elder brother, just rest well I'll be just fine."

    "Right. Just... come and get me if you need anything."

    "Of course, my liege."

The two smiled a bit at each other as a conclusion to their conversation as his elder brother walked out. A few more minutes went by and it was around 12:20, before Xingqui had the chance to flip another page he heard the lock of his door click open as someone walked inside, Chongyun.

"Oh! You're finally back." Xingqiu chuckled not turning to look at his partner.

"Mmm.~ Was my prince worried?" Chongyun hummed as he closed the door behind him and walked behind the couch.

"Prince? That's an unwonted entity for someone such as yourself to say."

"I dunno what you mean by that... don't be so shy..~" Chongyun giggled as he wrapped his arms around his partners neck from behind the couch.

"My liege? What has gotten into you? You're acting ever so strangely, and whilst I'm reading." Xingqiu growled a bit.

"Fufu!~ How about you close that book and read this one instead..~"

The bookworm sucked his teeth as he tried to read to avoid getting annoyed. Before he could speak again, he noticed the icy male's hand motion to his area, luckily he was quick enough to grab it.

"Chongyun. Don't tell me..." He began as he looked up into his partners dazed eyes.

"Aww..~ Hehe, you're fast..~"

    "My goodness, this is heavily impermissible! Chongyun, don't you dare speak of the piquant dish you decided to bite into.."

    "Hmm..?~ Oh! Yeah... Xiangling allowed me to have some.. or maybe she didn't. Maybe someone randomly offered some to me or possibly deceived me into taking a bite. I'm not entirely sure." The icy male giggled as he rolled over onto the couch.

    Xingqiu shook his and sighed as he closed his book and sat it down the table beside him, "You best get to bed before you cause any mayhem."

"E-Eh..?! I don't wanna sleep!~ Let's go to the restaurant and chat with other people!~ I wanna stay awake with you..~"

"Goodness, how will I ever get myself out of this mess?"

    "Why not stay in it..?~" The icy male hummed as he rolled on top of his partner, straddling him.

    "C-Chongyun! This behavior is insufferable..!"

"Is it really so bad..?~ I just wanna cuddle with you..~"

"B-But of course! Sitting on someone out of the blue is very insufferable and not to mention, flustering.."

Chongyun giggled a bit as he inches closer to Xingqiu's face that was now reddened, he smiled at him and leaned into a passionate kiss as he wrapped his arms around the pretty boy's neck.

    Xingqiu quickly pulled away covering his mouth with the back of his hand, "T-That was simply unanticipated.."


    "Y-Yes my liege!"

    "You do savvy what I'm about to propose for, don't you..?~"

    The bookworm gulped a bit as he slowly shook his head, "N-Not precisely, no."

    "Well..~" Chongyun began as he leaned closer to his partners ear and whispered, "I.. want.. a icicle."

    Xingqiu gave an annoyed grin as his eyebrow twitched and he began stretching Chongyun's cheeks, "Moron. You're quite the tease when you're like this."

    "O-Ow! What ever do you mean..?"

    "Just know how to tick me off."

    Chongyun tilted his head as he let out a giggle, "You're cute... I want something spicy.."

   Xingqiu groaned as he pushed his partner off of him and onto the floor, "You're honestly getting on my last nerves, my liege."

     "O-Ow! You could've warned me.." Chongyun cried out.

The pretty boy stood up and held out a hand allowing Chongyun to place his paler palm into his and pulled him up, "Ugh... whatever am I gonna do with you?"

"Xing... I'm sleepy now, can we cuddle?"

"If that shall get you in bed and put you to sleep, yes of course my love."

"Cool. Goodnight."

"H-Hey! Chongyun! Not right here!" Xingqiu sighed as he caught the icy male in his arms who was now fast asleep, "No piquant flavors for an icy boy..." he chuckled.

To be continued...

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝙸𝚌𝚎|| Xingqiu x Chongyun||Where stories live. Discover now