Utter. Annoyance.

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⚠️ Warning ⚠️: This chapter contains a little fluff, read at your own risk. Or don't, whatever is your limit. Other than that, enjoy! <3

    Chongyun slowly opened his eyes, he sat up slowly searching around the room to find his partner across from his right, sitting at his desk and reading a book.

The icy male was heavily dazed by the cold, he hopped off the bed and quietly walked his way behind Xingqiu.

    "Ah, I see sleeping beauty has woken from his slumber." Xingqiu chuckled, turning a page.

    Chongyun puffed up his cheeks as he placed one hand one the back of the chair and used the other to pinch Xingqiu's cheek, "Hey... I thought you were gonna warm me up..?"

     There was no response. For the pretty boy was lost in his books once again.

"Hey... I'm talking to you!" Chongyun whined, "Xingqiu.."

Still no reply. Just pages of a book turning.

"Xingqiu! I know you hear me! I wouldn't normally disturb because I'm aware that you might get exasperated... but you promised to help me get rid of the cold!"

Still silence. It could go on like this for a while. And Chongyun had no way of stopping it without pissing Xingqiu off.

"Hmph! Be like that, your books are lame anyways."

At that moment, Xingqiu slammed his book closed, causing the icy male to flinch and back away.

"Chongyun? You wanted me to leave you alone, so that's what I proceeded to do. And now, you want my attention and decide to affront and disturb my reading?" Xingqiu questioned rhetorically.

Chongyun knew his partner was near his limit, no matter how calm his voice was, he still sensed the annoyance and it only made him tremble in fear more.

The teal-haired male got up and began walking closer to Chongyun who was backing up, "H-Hey.. Xingqiu, I was just messing about.. I meant no harm, honest.. please don't hit me with a book.."

    Xingqiu just stood silent as he finally made his way closer to Chongyun, he spun him around, his back facing him as he began to massage his chest from behind, "X-Xingqiu.. what... what are you doing?

"You did want me to warm you up, I'm just preparing you.. now lay down, my love." Xingqiu replied, turning the icy male around and pushing him down on the bed.

    "W-Wait.! B-But what's your plan..?"

    "To warm you up, I figured I made that clear." The teal-haired male chuckled as he got on the bed, hovering over his partner, "Oh... you thought I meant that?"

    With a reddened face, Chongyun nodded, "W-Who wouldn't..?"

     Xingqiu sighed, "Apologies. But, you needn't worry, that was a one time thing and it was a mistake... I am still clueless on how we ended up so intoxicated.."

    "N-No.. it's fine.. but... a cuddle would be nice now, Xing.." Chongyun mumbled.

    "Oh? Are you truthfully asking me for one?"

    "Y-Yes! Don't be difficult..! It's harder than it looks.."

    The teal-haired male gave a soft smile to the other, "But of course, my love."

Right when Xingqiu was gonna move beside his partner he was interrupted by the door opening, "Hey Xing... do you know where the"—

Chongyun's face reddened even more having Xingqiu's elder brother walk in on them in such a position.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝙸𝚌𝚎|| Xingqiu x Chongyun||Where stories live. Discover now