A serious talk in the bookstore.

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The day was quiet but, exceptionally calming for Xingqiu. Of course the day was going great for him, he is able to visit book booths and bookstores, nothing could please him more than that. However, Chongyun on the other hand wasn't so calm as he would usually be, well of course he didn't show it in expression but rather, in the inside he was burning up. He was nervous about the question he wanted ask his partner, especially in a bookstore.

"Oh! This book... but I already read it, hmm... doesn't hurt to read again." Xingqiu chuckled as he ran his gentle hand across the books.

    Chongyun gripped tightly to his chest as he swallowed hardly, "U-Um... X-Xing.." He muttered out.

    "Hm? What is it my lo— my liege?"

     The icy male was now sweating a bit which annoyed him and made the situation ten times worst, he hated feeling the sweat drop down from him, "U-Um! Y-You see... why don't you try this book over here!"

    "But of course, now why did you seem so nervous to request a book for me?" The bookworm giggled making his way towards another shelf.

     "N-No reason!"

     Chongyun wiped his forehead as he thought, 'because that's not what I wanted to say..'

    "Chongyun, you seem to have something troubling you."

    Chongyun turned to his partners direction with a reddened face, "H-Huh?! N-No! I'm fine... just splendid!"

    "It isn't best to lie, my liege. Speak now or I'll be annoyed for the whole day, while I'm in the bookstore." Xingqui demanded with a low growl in his voice.

    Chongyun gulped, "I-I! I want to speak about that night!"

    The people in the bookstore froze and all stared at the youngsters, Chongyun's face was even more reddened from embarrassment as he slapped his hands to his mouth. Xingqiu chuckled nervously and pulled his partner away from the scene to a darker more farther part of the bookstore.

    "How about we use our bedroom voices?" Xingqiu suggested hitting Chongyun on the head with a book.

     "O-Ow... I'm sorry..."

     "Now, what do you mean that night?"

     "That night... we got intoxicated and um.."

     "Our intercourse?"

     Chongyun froze for a moment before nodding.

    "Chongyun, why would you wanna talk about such a thing in such a place at a time like this?"

    "I-It's been troubling me for a while. We didn't even bother talking about it, and that's troublesome for me.."

    "We ignore the situation because I figured it would bother you once we do talk about it."

   The icy male shook his head, "That's not true. It was both our first time. You should have your purity taken by someone special and trustworthy"—

    "Are you saying I'm not enough, my liege?"

    "That isn't what I'm saying at all... it's just that, being intoxicated and having something such as this topic taken away from you whilst you're blinded is an awful thing to ignore especially for our age.."

Xingqiu sighed as he closed a book, "My liege, then why do you wish for me to do?"

    Chongyun chuckled nervously with reddened cheeks, "U-Um.. well I haven't really thought about that.. heheh.."

    "Hopeless, aren't you?"

"Just a little..."

Xingqiu sighed as he leaned in closer to Chongyun's face and kissed him gently on the lips. Pulling away, he gave a warm smile.

"I'm sorry.. is that what you wanted to hear?"

Chongyun blushed deeply, "I-I'm not sure what I wanted to hear but... my positivity returned to me, so I'm satisfied."

The bookworm chuckled, "Could it be you wanted a kiss all along? Or more than a kiss.."

    The icy male froze for a moment allowing his entire face to redden once more, "N-No! O-Of course not, Xing! Y-You've got it all wrong!"

Xingqui grinned, "I suppose you're right."

     He then cupped his partners chin and wrapped his other arm around Chongyun's waist, pulling him closer.

    "W-Wha... are you doing..?"

     "Can't you tell, my liege?"

    "U-Uhm... shall I make a hypothesis..?"

    "Depends on how long that shall take you ."

    Chongyun's lip began to quiver as his vision became blurry, "A-Are you teasing me?!"

    "Hm? By what do you mean, my liege? I was just longing for a hug."

    The icy male felt his positivity level beginning to run a bit low, "One despises you sometimes.." He growled.

    "Chongyun, do not impelled such words to leave your mouth."

      "Why do you do these things to me? I just wished for a simple answer.."

     "For such a difficult question?" Xingqiu sighed, "If it pleases you, since you're staying with me for a bit longer... I'll make up our night for you."

    "X-Xing? What do you mean by that..?"

    "Exactly what it sounds like now, let us be on our way. I know you'd like to be off towards home after that embarrassment."


To be continued...

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝙸𝚌𝚎|| Xingqiu x Chongyun||Where stories live. Discover now