5. First Time For Everything

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Giselle Rose

"I'm going to be honest with you Ms. Rose, these children are tough." Mrs. Dubois spoke straightforwardly.

"Respecting authority is not exactly in their everyday routine. We've lost a number of mentors within the last 2 months." She explained.

I nodded in understanding.

After getting Ju through the first week of school, I took the time to look for other work.

I didn't get my masters in business for nothing.

Alongside Mama Rose' Kitchen, I had my own cooking channel on YouTube, which I started 2 years ago.

It was growing successfully too, as well as my first recipe book, which I released the beginning of this year.

And I had plans to open a restaurant next year.

But, outside of the food world, I was also signed to a modeling agency.

My mother had introduced me to the modeling world when I was a kid and it stuck.

I reverted back to it in college mainly, doing  shoots here and there, becoming 'popular' over the years.

The latest gig I landed had to be my favorite of all though.

In a couple of weeks, Rihanna herself would be launching her new lingerie line; FENTY, which I was totally honored to be apart of.

Truthfully, I had never thought about how far my modeling career would go.

But this was an amazing stepping stone and I was taking full advantage of it.

"I know. And that's why I want to do this. I grew up in a very loving home with family traditions. I just want the same for those that are unfortunate." I spoke truthfully.

It has always been my mission to mentor younger children, ages ranging from eleven to fifteen.

Growing up an only child I often spent most of my time alone.

But I did have a gang of cousins on both sides.

Kourtney; my Auntie Vonne's oldest daughter is someone I consider myself to be extremely close to.

When we were younger we were like two peas in a pod.

As we got older some things had changed, causing us to go our separate ways but that didn't break our bond.

Now she lives in Jersey with her 2 daughters Kali and Kaia.

Besides her, I had my small group of friends but that was it.

"That is really sweet of you. Admirable. Similar to why I started doing this." Mrs. Dubois smiled.

"Unlike you, I lived in an unhealthy household. No one to turn to which is why I am that person for these lost babies." She informed me.

"I'm sorry. I know that must have been tough." I sympathized.

"Oh it's fine. It has made me the woman I am today." She giggled.

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