Leaving Storybrooke

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AN-  So sorry for the wait guys, I had some personal issues I had to work through like my dad leaving ect... Anywho I'm back with another part to the story which will be done soon also if you have any prompts for me I will gladly do them! Enjoy this chapter! This i dedicated to @Wings4writing for being patient and re-inspiring me. Also thank you to everyone who has supported me you will be getting dedications as well!


                                                         Leaving Storybrooke

        Emma did what she did best and ran. She wrote a note to Henry which said...

Sorry kid, 

I can't be part of a family, I never could. I'm not meant for a family, I can't even understand myself and I am so sorry.


Next letter was for Regina...

Gina Love,

I'm sorry but I am a runner. You are the first person to truly love me for everything that I am. When we kissed it meant so much more to me than you will ever know, and I can't handle that I don't deserve it. I DO love you never forget that.

Yours forever, Emma Swan

Emma put the two notes beside eachother on the front table and walked quickly to her yellow bug. As Emma passed the leaving Storybrooke sign the tears fell like a waterfall and blurred her vision but she kept driving.

(Regina's POV)

I was finally off work and couldn't wait to see Emma. When I got inside I called out for Emma but there was no response I figured she was sleeping or something so I kicked off my shoes and put my keys on the table, that's where I saw the notes. I took both notes in my hand and went to sit on the couch before reading them.

I read my letter five times before it fell from my hand and drifted to the floor. The grief set in and took over my my mind and body and I just layed down on the floor, never planning to get up as I clutched the letters to my chest. 

I heard the door open and Henry call out to me but I couldn't say anything I just layed there. Henry rushed to me asking what was wrong and if I was hurt, I couldn't even look at him. He ran outside frantically...

(Ruby's POV)

I was jogging down Mifflin Street and Henry came running out of Regina's mansion headed straight towards me. He gave me a running hug and said that his mom needed help, fast. I reacted quickly going inside the mansion finding Regina curled in a ball on the floor clutching two envolopes to her chest. I could tell she had been crying because her eyes were red and puffy and her mascara was running. I walked toward her and tried to be soothing

" Regina? Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" I fired questions at her while getting closer.

She didn't respond and I started to panic I shook her a little, she still didn't respond but at least opened her eyes. I picked her up, she was lighter than I thought, and moved her onto the couch gently laying her down. She opens her eyes and look down at her hands, becoming frantic but still does not speak. I saw that she had dropped the envolopes when I picked her up so I went and handed them to her she visibly relaxed. Henry goes to the kitchen and brings back a glass of water that she gulps down. I bring her another glass and tell them I will be right back, Regina only nods.

(Regina's POV)

Ruby was reall nice and didn't pry for information, when she left I handed Henry his letter. When he finished reading he tried to grab for my letter and took it. Henry read the letter and immediately turned and hugged me.

We sat together locked in and embrace just crying, crying for eachother, crying for Emma. just crying out all the pain 


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