Once Upon An Apple Cider

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RECAP: Lovely to meet you Miss Swan how would you like a cup of the best apple cider you've ever tasted? said Regina. Got anything stronger? Emma said sarcastically. Regina chuckled as she walked inside holding the door open for Emma.

Chapter 2.... once upon an apple cider

Once inside Emma turned around taking in the main room of Regina's house, it was very clean and the walls were a cross between apple-red and maroon. The couches were white as snow( lol the irony) and perfectly fluffed.

Regina led Emma to the dinning room and walked off to the kitchen.

Emma looked around and saw a big picture of Regina an Henry when he was about 6 and on the other walls were small pieces of art. Emma sat down waiting for Regina to come back with the drinks.

* In The Kitchen *

Regina takes out two wine glasses and pours in first some vodka, then a mysterious item in an orange bottle then finally the actual apple cider( I can't and don't drink so I don't know liquor combinations). Regina recaps the bottles then locks them away in the cabinet out of Henry's reach. She smiles to herself walking out to Emma, Regina hands her a glass and sits down across from her

* In The Dining Room*

Emma takes a sip from her glass and immediately tastes the alcohol. She contemplates saying something then decides against it. Miss Swan did you hear me? Regina asks. Emma snaps out of her thoughts and replies Sorry Regina I zoned out. Regina gives a light smile and repeats her question "Do you have somewhere to stay the night?.......................

AN: Ahhhhhhhhhhh cliffhanger DUN DUN DUHHHHHHHHHHHHH I will update soon I promise thanks for reading my lovelies

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