First Meeting

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Author's Note : Hi! This is my first fanfiction EVER!!!!!! Please no hate, and if you like this tory please tell me that you do. Some things you should know are that I am in school so most likley I will only be able to update on weekends at the beginning. Another thing that you should know is that when a character is thinking something it will be in bold and capitalized like this.........WOW SHE THOUGHT................... so that is quite important. The last thing that there is is that this may become mature at some point but I will give completly fair warning if it does become mature. I don't think there is anything else that you need to know but if there is then I will give you another authors note. Sorry for rambling on and on so without further ado CHAPTER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CHAPTER ONE------------------------ THE FIRST MEETING

Regina shuddered as the blonde woman walked up her path with her son at the woman's side. Regina raised her eyebrows and looked the blonde up then down her eyes lingering on her chest......HOT DAMN SHE IS BEAUTIFUL Regina thought to herself smirking......

Emma gulped as she walked up the raven haired womans pathway, she didn't expect Henry's mother to be so pretty and yet so stern, no important, no REGAL looking yes that's it regal. Emma sighed he knew it would never happen, could never happen because she was well her and Emma was well Emma.

Regina took a step back realizing that she had been staring to long, so she politley introduced her self " I'm Regina Mills, Henry's mother ." she said smiling. Emma looked up and responded quickly " I'm Emma Swan, Henry's....." she faltered off quietly. She's my REAL mom Henry yelled running inside the mansion that he and Regina lived in. Emma blushed and looked down at her shoes quickly. Lovely to meet you Miss Swan, How would you like a glass of the best apple cider you ever tasted? Regina said a smile spreading across her face. Got anything stronger? Emma replied sarcastically. Regina chuckled a she walked inside holding the door open for Emma......

AN: Sorry guys I forgot to say that I don't own any characters they belong to Once Upon A Time and sorry this chapter was short future chapters will be much longer, also the beginning will be very much like the show but don't worry I will NOT be copyng the show!!!!!!! Vote and Comment they are really appreciated!!!!!!!!! See you next time my lovelies

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