What should I call you?

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Emma stammers "Ummm nno I didn't think that far in advance."

Regina smiled to herself Emma is so cute when she stammers.

Emma curses under her breath for not thinking. Regina blurts out "you can stay here" She covers her mouth blushes then apologizes quickly "Sorry Miss Swan I didn't mean to put you on the spot"

Emma smiles noticing Regina's embarrassment and replies "Don't be sorry I would love to stay here. You know for Henry" she adds quickly

Regina relaxes and begins to clean up the glasses. Emma grabs her arm which sends a shiver through Regina's body. " Is there a store where I can get clothes around here" Emma asks. " No stores are open this late at night around here. Regina turns and says to the blonde. "Damn it!"

"You're welcome to borrow some clothes of mine Miss Swan."

"Oh no I couldn't, I have already intruded enough." Emma says quickly though on the inside she wanted to say yes.

" Miss Swan I insist, you've brought Henry home safely its the least I can do." Regina said with puppy dog eyes

"Fine " Emma responded as Regina guided her upstairs to her bedroom. Emma picked out an oversized sweater and some black leggings. Regina left the room as Emma changed. Secretly Regina wishes she could watch.. Emma walks out and sees Regina staring at her. "So.........." Emma says snapping Regina out of her stare. " Where would you like to sleep Miss Swan?"

"Um guest room is fine, thanks, and please call me Emma"

"Okay" Regina says as she opens the door to the room next to hers. "you can go say goodnight to Henry Regina, I will be fine." Emma says smirking.


"Henry come on talk to me"


" Emma is staying here tonight."

"Really!" Henry asked sitting up quickly. " yes she is, do you want me to send her in?" Regina asks."Yes please"


Regina's ass was so cute when she walked away swaying her hips like that. OMG! I can't think like this. She will never want me EVER!! Maybe she will.

"EMMA!" Regina calls



"COMING!!!" Emma tells back


Emma's POV

Hey Henry I say. Hi......... he falters off then frowns. "What should I call you?" he asked me quietly. I looked at Regina then back at Henry and say a little more quietly than I meant to " Emma's fine for now"

"Okay Emma, will you stay here for a while?"

I arch my eyebrows and look to Regina once more. Regina nodded in the doorway and I replied " I will stay as long as you want and as long as your mother allows."

Henry smiled and lays down he says "Goodnight Mom, Goodnight Emma." Yawning



" I hope it's okay what I said in there" Emma says to Regina.

"Of course, don't worry about it Miss Sw...... Emma."

" Can I take a shower Regina?"

" Of course, the towels are in the bottom drawer and you can use my body soap an hair wash." Regina tells Emma. " Okay Thanks!" Emma said going in and closing the door.

Regina dressed in her red silk pajamas with black tank top underneath. Regina went to the guest room to straighten the sheets and to put clothes in the drawer. She put in an oversized sweater and a pair of leggings and a dress in the drawers.


Regina goes to her reading chair and sits down picking up her book.

The shower turns off and Emma peaks her head out the door careful to cover the rest of her (naked) body behind the wood.

"Um Regina?" Emma says

"Yes?" Regina looks up and giggles taking off her glasses "you need pajamas don't you?"

"Yes" Emma says sheepishly

"Hold on" Regina gets up going to her drawers and pulls out red silk pajamas and a black tank top that matched her own. She walks to the bathroom and hands them to Emma.

"Thank you" Emma says slipping back into the bathroom.

Emma emerges saying "twinsies." Regina looks at her bewildered.

"Twinsies is when your wearing the same thing as someone else." Emma explains. Regina nods, smiles and says "Well then we are indeed twinsies"

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