chapter seven• blacks trip ☆

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It's been a few weeks and the routine set in. Wake up, breakfast, class, lunch, class, dinner eat, common room, and then to bed. You had gotten increasingly and significantly closer with the three whom had originally accepted you into their group.

"Today we will be learning how to transform an animal into a unanimous object." The professor stated, she had a small smirk at the corner of her mouth. "Mutare Sententiam" McGonagall spoke the incantation. A white dove turned into a candle holder. Applause filled the room.

"Now you may try, once you have finished you may leave I'm feeling generous." Professor McGonaGall smiled. You raised your wand and recited the incantation. Fortunately for you and Hermione, this class came easy to you, and you were able to match the professors request. It took Harry ten tries and Ron fifteen, but they eventually got it.

Hogsmeade was the talk of the school for the week, the first trip was coming up and many were looking forward to it. Unfortunately without parental permission you couldn't go, and getting anything more than a roof over your head from your family was "asking too much." You didn't mind much though, Harry had to stay back too so you two were going to hangout for a bit.


You had gone to wave Hermione and Ron off to hogsmeade, but Harry had a different idea. He tried to persuade McGonagall into signing our forms.

"I'm sorry Potter, that's my final word." Professor said as she walked away.  Harry walked back over to you begrudgingly and waved Ron and Hermione off.

Both of you hung around outside for a bit, playing muggle soccer with a beat up old ball. It worked though and that's all that matters. Harry had to leave to meet with Professor lupin though, he had filled you in on his train encounter in the beginning of the school year when the four of you in the group were getting to know each other.


"Honeyduke's Sweetshop is brilliant, but nothing beats Zonko's Joke Shop." Ron said dreamily. "That sounds great." Harry was upset he couldn't go but wanted to be happy for his friends. "We never got to go to the Shrieking Shack. You heard it's the most..." Ron started.

"The most haunted building in Britain. We know." Harry stated.

We were getting to the top of the stairs but everyone was blocking the portrait hole. A bunch of people were arguing and some were silent.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

"Probably Neville forgot the password again." Ron sighed.

"Hey!" Neville exclaimed hurt.

"Oh.. you're there.." Ron said awkwardly. Then Percy, Ron's brother, came through. "Let me through, please. Excuse me! I'm Head Boy! Get back, all of you." Percy scolded.  "No one is to enter this dormitory until it's been searched." Percy shouted.

"The Fat Lady! She's gone!" Ginny said coming down the stairs. "Serves her right, she was a terrible singer." Ron joked. "Keep calm, everyone. Break into fours. Back to your common room." Percy instructed. "Be quiet. Make way." Percy said in superiority. "The headmaster's here. Come on, move. You heard. Move!" Percy snipped. Dumbledore marched up the stairs.

"Mr. Filch? Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady." Dumbledore clarified.  "There's no need for ghosts, professor. The Fat Lady's there." Croaked Filch.

"Mind where you're going! Slow down! You listen! I'm Head Boy! Come back here! Keep moving!" Percy whined, you found it a little funny that he was getting knocked around.

"Dear lady, who did this to you?" Dumbledore asked.

"Eyes like the devil, he's got, and a soul as dark as his name. It's him, headmaster. The one they all talk about. He's here, somewhere in  the castle! Sirius Black!" The day lady said cowering down.

"Secure the castle, Mr. Filch. The rest of you, to the Great Hall." Dumbledore instructed.


a/n: short chapter im sorry the cringe is so bad I had to edit a lot of this out.

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