The Nie Clan

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Lan Wangji

When Wangji wake up again, the long night was still upon them and Wei Ying was clinging to him under the covers. One of the god's legs was placed in between his, while half of his body was over his chest and abdomen. It was an intimate position that would had been mistaken as that of close lovers if they were to be interrupted in such time.

Luckily, there was not such danger in the Nie Clan, so he could feel relieved that no one will see him in such a tangle situation with another man. However, as he look down to Wei Yin's face, he found himself not minding the intrusion of the god's body over his own. He was resting peacefully and there was a kind of faint glow on his handsome face and hair, like a thin layer of harmless golden fire.

Wei Ying's body heat was welcoming to a point he didn't dare to move in fear to wake him up. The day before he had genuinely exhausted himself in order to get him that pendant straight from the goddess Nuwa, so he owe Wei Ying an undisturbed rest for the favor. It was a bit rude not to meet with the Clan Leader on arrival, but he didn't have a choice with Wei Ying fast asleep on his arms and exhausted.

He wasn't sure of what to tell Clan Leader Nie anyways, as Wei Ying's identity was not exactly common and their goal, an utmost secret, as there were spies of who knows who lurking around with probably not so god intentions. Nie Mingjue was a just man, so he was sure if Wei Ying tells him about their search, he will offer them help in whatever way he can.

As he thought about it, Wei Ying moved in his sleep, pressing his leg in between Wangji's, slightly making him part his own, as Wei Ying's upper body, hold him tighter as he placed his head over Wangji's neck, rubbing it with his nose and then sliding his hand further down his abdomen. At that moment, Wangji's whole body was on a different kind of fire he had not experience before, thus he panic and hastily push Wei Ying to get away from him, as his heart rushed blood on his veins, making it beat faster.

However, he was tangle with the god's legs, as well as the sheets and before Wei Ying open his eyes for the sudden disturbance of his blissful sleep, Lan Zhan fell from the bed and into the floor, meeting a pair of emerald eyes from the cat that had obviously sneak in during the night and looked at him as he was ready to laugh.

"Poor Lan kid, you are already caught in his web." Da Qing said as Wei Ying open his eyes and protested from been rudely awake from his sleep.

"Lan Zhan... what was that for?" Wei Ying asked, yet Lan Zhan was on the floor, staring at the cat as if he wanted to kill him, thus he smiled.

"Da Qing, don't provoke my Lan Zhan." Wei Ying said as he sat in the border of the bed and extended his hand to help Wangji sit.

"Me? Provoking him? It was you who were molesting him! Shameless god, you are exactly like Kunlun, always having his hands all over Shen Wei!" The cat protested and Wei Ying look at the embarrassed Lan Zhan and he sighed.

"Alright, if it was me, it's my bad. I'm not used to sleep with others and even less with a hot man I like at that. Lan Zhan, you seems to tempt me even in my sleep, I hope you I didn't disturb you much." Wei Ying apologize.

"It was nothing." Lan Zhan accept it, looking somewhere else.

"Pts, nothing my furry ass. He panicked like a virgin maiden been casually touched for the first time." Da Qing said and suddenly, Wei Ying saw as the Lan kid summon his spiritual sword to his hand, which make Wei Ying act, stealing it from his grasp in a flash.

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